It is somewhat cruel to say, but I agree some of your opinion he

來源: 好看? 2009-05-04 06:12:21 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (701 bytes)
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When parents are divorced, it is best to tell their children the other parent love them as well, the divorce is only the result of parents not getting along. Ofcause this is modern and western thinking, I do not have intention to blame his mother. But it is still important for Tenant to know sometimes couple do get divorced, it is a very hard decision, and trust them if all possible, your parents would not have done that, ie. trust your father tried his best to control his temper, and trust your mother did her best to tolerate your father...

Tenant, even today, your mother, the victim of your father's bad temper, is willing to forgive him, take care of him, why can't you?



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