
來源: 那一朵紫花 2009-03-21 00:27:14 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1121 bytes)
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‘Sharing the same bed is part of marriage. It’s a violation of commitment when you came up with excuses not to share and he allowed it. His infidelity was the result of lack of commitment and physical attachment, not the cause of it, although I agree that he should have ended it with you before moving on, so he got the order reversed and that’s hurtful’
以前曾聽人說過,不要用sex作為夫妻矛盾的懲罰。這也是一種變相的道歉方式。當時不太能理解,覺得男人傷了女人的心,女人怎麽還會有心情sex?後來慢慢懂了,加上今天看到的這個。兩個人發生矛盾,sex雖然不是唯一的卻是一個很好的緩解方式。緩解了雙發的壓力,也有了隻可意會不可言傳的情感交流,兩人重新有了某種默契,接下來再繼續就發生過的矛盾設法和解,是一個好辦法。而暈海和他的ex很多方麵的交流都已經早早就沒有了。就像這位男士說的,’It seems like the communication broke down early in your marriage but none of you did anything about it. Instead you let the issues drift or didn’t want to face them until it exploded one day. It could be personality, pride or the love was not strong enough in the first place.’


nod, that's on point! -飛~- 給 飛~ 發送悄悄話 飛~ 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/21/2009 postreply 00:59:20



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