
本文內容已被 [ obwachi ] 在 2010-09-28 08:04:20 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

totally agree with 好看. He is a abuser.

誰願意, you might have Battered Woman Syndrome. Most ppl who never experienced DV or worked with DV cases might not understand it. Please read the following link first.


It is complicated to explain. 好看 gave you a very good advice (不要感到意外,或心軟,如果你走的時候他用盡手段來留你。不要告訴它你的計劃,一切準備好了,悄悄地走。)

I am telling you that it is not easy but you have to do it. I was in your situation or even worse for years. Now I live a much better life than with my abuser though it took years to recover an non 100% recovery. My experience agrees that women passed a certain age might have hard time to build up as for career or personal life but it is still way better than living with an abuser.

By leaving him, you'd better keep good documentation, and find some support group and later on you might need TRO. 誰願意, please protect yourself and start preparing leaving him now. If you'd like to qqh me, feel free do.
