a lady

本文內容已被 [ 紫.星.蘊 ] 在 2010-09-28 08:04:20 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

a lady ware a nice cloth .

she looks diffirent and beautiful.

a kind of people like to around her try to closer more closer.

sometimes she talk to someone,after that thoese one disapiare fast.

girl and boy all disapiare fast.

after that she feel little sad. she says " only my family is real they never left."

many many years late,a kind of people running to her city, they all says" i am ur old friend, i am ur old friend, "

she is not stupid" she think something wrong, " i never have any old friend,it is not my fault, beacuse they all left in a short time."

it is nothing wrong,

only one thinking:"someone also beautiful look like her and using her name and cloth,maybe everything around her ,all her life.share her everything but she never knew ".

she is also a beautiful woman, but she is a lier beacuse thoese name from she was born.the lier is tring to stealling her mom and dad also.

everyone has a name, why she likes her name.

the lady saw many many new people ,new face, she never feel anything wrong before

"all of the old friends coming to her"
