





我們中午前回到了安提瓜。如前篇所提,我們這裏所說的安提瓜是指安提瓜危地馬拉古城(Antigua Guatemala),通常簡稱安提瓜。這座古城名列1979年聯合國教科文組織公布的最早一批《世界遺產目錄》之中,比雅典衛城、泰姬陵、吳哥窟等都要早,與大馬士革古城、埃及金字塔、美國黃石公園等同批入選。如果你還未聽說過這座古城,那就跟隨我下麵的圖片一起逛逛這座美麗的古城市吧。

從1543 年建城至 1776 年間,安提瓜是當時殖民地政府的首都,其間發生多次地震,1773 年的特大地震把全市夷為平地,首都亦因此遷移至危地馬拉市。之後安提瓜逐漸重建起來,但仍保留著昔日濃鬱的西班牙殖民地色彩。


在安提瓜的大街小巷裏也都能有機會眺望到Volcán Fuego 噴薄而出的熔岩。


安提瓜的地標:Arco de Santa Catalina


Cathedral de Santiago

Iglesia de La Merced


Catedral de San Jose

La Recoleccin

Convento Santa Clara

City Hall in Main Square

Grand Palace in Main Square


【Central American Adventure 】Day 17 at Antigua,Guatemala

On this day we were back to Antigua.  However I found myself too busy to post.  Here is a little catch up to tell you about this beautiful city --  local buses. 


【Central American Adventure 】Day 18 at Antigua,Guatemala

 A Journey  to Volcano  Pacaya

Just like skiing and mountaineering are a part of the culture of the Swiss Alps, volcano hiking is a huge part of the culture in Guatemala. There are 37 officially named volcanoes in Guatemala, three of which that are still active, there are Volcanoes Fuego, Acatenango and Pacaya.

We actually saw Fuego Eruptions many times on the streets, or in the hotel these two days while we are in Antigua. However only Acatenango and Pacaya offer a hike. Acatenango is known for treacherous slopes that should be reserved only for the fittest, and it usually takes two days to complete a hike.

A more popular choice (and slightly less challenging) is to hike Volcano Pacaya,that was also my choice on Day 18.

Volcano Pacaya is located just an hour and fifteen driving from Antigua. It first erupted over 23,000 years ago and is currently one of the most lively volcanos in Central America.

Though the volcano has frequent eruptions, these bursts usually spew only small amounts of ash—just enough to make the rocks hot enough to toast marshmallows on, which I literally did in picture below.


【Central American Adventure 】Day 19 at Antigua,Guatemala

Today is our last day in Antigua and in Guatemala. Bid farewell to five travel fellows and tour leader in the morning, In the evening welcome to seven new comers and new tour leader who came from Nicaragua.

A easy day, eating, drinking, wondering around......



Chico Zapote,據說中文叫人心果,超甜,一路吃了許多。



這家名叫Rincon Tipico的當地餐館,好吃又便宜,去吃了兩次。


轉回到中心廣場,偶遇這位超可愛的小朋友。有心的路人甲拍下了組照片並轉發給了我。謝了路人甲,並告訴她:這組照片是我的pictures of the day。

今天是第一段行程的最後一天,Erhard和 Sheye等五位旅友會結束旅行。明天我們會跟隨新的CEO進入洪都拉斯。

告別晚餐選在一家名為Montagu的私家餐館裏進行 。很少有外地人知道這家餐館,需要預定。食物新鮮精良,美味而又不貴。


【Central American Adventure 】Day 20 on the way to Copan Ruinas, Honduras

Today we will cross the border into Honduras. At 3:55am we all were on board, and ready to leave.  Goodbye to those who finished their journey in Antigua, we together had a great time. Goodbye to Guatemala, we saw a beautiful country, met wonderful people.

Best wishes to all of you!

**** 已完成的中美洲遊記係列: 行走中美洲****



冒著煙的紅色的岩漿看著很震撼,寶貴經曆 -永遠老李- 給 永遠老李 發送悄悄話 (244 bytes) () 01/08/2025 postreply 08:21:24

我去中美洲的目的之一,也是去近距離地觀摩和體驗活火山。之後還有幾次跟近距離的火山活動。 -三步兩橋- 給 三步兩橋 發送悄悄話 三步兩橋 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/08/2025 postreply 19:00:39

後麵的行程有新遊客加入嗎?都能玩到一起很棒 -Trip00- 給 Trip00 發送悄悄話 Trip00 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/08/2025 postreply 13:30:01

可以分段加入,比如我去過巴拿馬就在哥斯達黎加結束了。我在與驢友交往中學到了很多很多,也結下了友情,途中的每一分鍾都快樂啊 -三步兩橋- 給 三步兩橋 發送悄悄話 三步兩橋 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/08/2025 postreply 18:52:27

拍得真好 -櫻紫- 給 櫻紫 發送悄悄話 櫻紫 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/08/2025 postreply 19:41:08

謝謝喜歡和鼓勵,非常欣慰。 -三步兩橋- 給 三步兩橋 發送悄悄話 三步兩橋 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/08/2025 postreply 20:16:45

Nice! 這是頭上頂火啊。 -anonymous4- 給 anonymous4 發送悄悄話 anonymous4 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/09/2025 postreply 09:28:37

後麵的行程裏,有參加從活火山滑下來的活動 :-) -三步兩橋- 給 三步兩橋 發送悄悄話 三步兩橋 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/09/2025 postreply 18:22:39

活火山還允許旅遊?夠刺激。那些大巴車油漆夠熱鬧的,跟大篷車似的 -酒仙橋2- 給 酒仙橋2 發送悄悄話 酒仙橋2 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/09/2025 postreply 13:23:00

可以的,隻要遵守活動規則一般不會有危險。中美洲人民喜歡五彩斑斕,他們的衣服也鮮豔。 -三步兩橋- 給 三步兩橋 發送悄悄話 三步兩橋 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/09/2025 postreply 18:28:02

壯觀。 -金玉屋- 給 金玉屋 發送悄悄話 金玉屋 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/09/2025 postreply 15:46:30

是啊,坐在家裏看不到的自然景觀。新年好! -三步兩橋- 給 三步兩橋 發送悄悄話 三步兩橋 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/09/2025 postreply 18:28:57
