
來源: 雞鳴寺過客 2022-11-29 07:45:43 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (7484 bytes)
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The younger aunt long time ago Speaking of the past of my younger aunt, as the second daughter of my grandmother. I can't actually count the past, because I have never seen her, and I don't even know her existence. It was only recently that I learned about the past of my second aunt during my mother's idle chat.


In that very ancient era, marriage was often two families, and because of a certain equivalence relationship, it might have been decided before the child was born. Such a form of marriage should have been very common in that era. 


Shortly after the aunt was born, my grandmother's family made an in-law order with the son of a wealthy family in the same town. My aunt looks the most like my grandfather, she is also slender and tall, with a beautiful oval face, rosy and clean. Her shrewd and capable temperament is also most similar to my grandfather. When she was young, besides going to school, she started her own business very early and accumulated a generous dowry. She also seems to identify with her future marriage.


One year, before the Spring Festival, my grandmother prepared a sumptuous meal for the married aunt's family. For some reason, they didn't come. My second aunt, who was already feeling very hungry, ate by herself. She didn't know what she ate, maybe it was food poisoning, and suddenly fell ill. During the treatment of a Chinese medicine doctor, her short life was hastily completed, and she was only a teenager at that time.


The story of the second aunt happened before the new China. What would happen if she could make it this far?






太漂亮能幹的姑娘,老天爺不留在人間。 -清漪園- 給 清漪園 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 11/30/2022 postreply 08:30:19

哈哈,留在上帝身邊。 -雞鳴寺過客- 給 雞鳴寺過客 發送悄悄話 雞鳴寺過客 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/01/2022 postreply 07:42:09
