川普時代落幕,還有一個深感失落者-印度。 其內心有失落和恐懼

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Brahma Chellaney
Strategic thinker, author, commentator
這個號稱Strategic thinker的Brahma Chellaney寫了一係列的文章,其內心有好深的失落。 讀了讀,有十來篇。翻來複去,中心隻有一個,印度跟美國聯合起來,幹翻中國。舉兩篇。

Where Biden Should Be More Like Trump

Donald Trump's tough China policy is his most consequential – and constructive – foreign-policy legacy. Unless President Joe Biden pursues a similar approach, the erosion of US global leadership will become inexorable.


A New Uncertainty

The momentum towards deeper US-India strategic collaboration could slow if Joe Biden’s foreign policy returns to an accommodationist approach towards China




川普時代落幕,無形的道德價值核心和有形的邊境安全防禦都遭打擊而潰敗,最失落和恐懼的是美國人。 -東湖10- 給 東湖10 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/26/2021 postreply 08:38:51

HARRIS是吃素的嗎?白燈時代印度肯定沾光,中美關係沒有最壞,隻有更。。。 -Oona- 給 Oona 發送悄悄話 Oona 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/26/2021 postreply 08:52:34

