Report: Financial records appear to show Ivanka Trump got 'consu

來源: 農業磚家 2020-09-28 11:52:50 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4605 bytes)

The Week

Report: Financial records appear to show Ivanka Trump got 'consulting fees' to reduce father's tax bill

Catherine Garcia

Tax records obtained by The New York Timesappear to show that President Trump reduced his taxable income by treating his eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, as a consultant, then deducting this as a business expense.

The Times reports that Trump Organization tax records show between 2010 and 2018, President Trump wrote off as business expenses $26 million in "consulting fees." The consultants are not listed by name, but the Times compared the tax records to financial disclosures Ivanka Trump filed when she started working at the White House in 2017 as a senior adviser to her father. Ivanka Trump reported receiving $747,622 in payments from a consulting company she co-owned — the same exact amount in consulting fees the Trump Organization claimed as tax deductions for hotel projects in Hawaii and Vancouver.


這英文你懂嗎?領導讓你轉什麽就轉什麽? -LakeTree- 給 LakeTree 發送悄悄話 (74 bytes) () 09/28/2020 postreply 11:57:48

現在是苦笑不得,合理避稅沒有問題,但一國總統不能自己也絞盡腦汁的挖國家牆角 -農業磚家- 給 農業磚家 發送悄悄話 農業磚家 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2020 postreply 11:59:42

你怎麽知道人家是絞盡腦汁?絞盡腦汁的是你自己吧。 -紅辣椒66- 給 紅辣椒66 發送悄悄話 紅辣椒66 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2020 postreply 12:04:14

3 -lakelavon- 給 lakelavon 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2020 postreply 12:06:33

這有談論的意義嗎?谘詢如何合法地少交稅是不道德行為嗎?你去和貝禿或比爾蓋茲討論這問題吧。 -紅辣椒66- 給 紅辣椒66 發送悄悄話 紅辣椒66 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2020 postreply 12:03:07

So what? 她邦他爸忙怎麽了?你也弄個好爹啊? -lucky101- 給 lucky101 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2020 postreply 12:04:32

他爺倆都可能沒少參與割老百姓的韭菜。 -紅辣椒66- 給 紅辣椒66 發送悄悄話 紅辣椒66 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2020 postreply 12:17:22

有一種人,自己連做人的底線都守不住,偏偏有臉拿著放大鏡去找別人的道德瑕疵。這是人麽? -戀子- 給 戀子 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2020 postreply 12:09:04

老川deducted as business expenses,伊萬卡reported as income, 有毛病嗎?都瘋了, -高筋粉- 給 高筋粉 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2020 postreply 12:12:13

這個磚家國內被圈養,國外喜歡跪 -qing_us- 給 qing_us 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2020 postreply 12:28:57

就是,很多牆外來的根本不知道美國的稅法,在瞎咋付。 -playForever- 給 playForever 發送悄悄話 playForever 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2020 postreply 12:46:10

見過厚皮的,沒見過這麽厚皮的磚家! -zjsw- 給 zjsw 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2020 postreply 12:13:17

謝謝這麽有價值的信息,學習模仿要做得更勝一籌,:=) -卒在征途- 給 卒在征途 發送悄悄話 (59 bytes) () 09/28/2020 postreply 12:14:25

+100 -農業磚家- 給 農業磚家 發送悄悄話 農業磚家 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2020 postreply 12:18:54

幾個老美今天的反應是 He is a fake billionaire. -薩克斯風- 給 薩克斯風 發送悄悄話 (217 bytes) () 09/28/2020 postreply 12:32:47

好啊,你讓他們也吹吹,看看能不能把他們自己也吹上富豪榜 -落英如雪- 給 落英如雪 發送悄悄話 落英如雪 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2020 postreply 12:56:29

少打伊大美人的壞心思, 小心red necks 要你們左棍舞毛土鱉的小命哈 -西風-西風- 給 西風-西風 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2020 postreply 13:11:42



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