(1) 維城,指維洛那,羅密歐與朱麗葉居住的城市。
(2) 槐國,指大槐安國,南柯一夢故事裏淳於棼夢中所去的國度。
Impression, End of Year (Poem 2)
Love seekers, be aware, love sucks,
I mean, sometimes. Figure it out
one way or the other. Without it,
though, you'll experience warmth
and coldness in loneliness that
might eat you alive in a year.
Why not go out to find that special
drop in the vast sea of people,
even if it might be a wild goose chase.
Romeo and Julia did in Verona.
They succeeded in vain.
They failed in triumph.
All this might have happened in
someone's dream under a giant locust tree
whose hollow is as empty as the dream.
Every time I look at the moon,
I can see love will linger,
and on that silver screen
separated lovers can see each other,
specially at the end of the year.
(© December 30, 2023, godog)