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回答: 第五句不錯。惜也2021-06-13 17:51:05



What Are Years

Marianne Moore
        What is our innocence,
what is our guilt? All are
        naked, none is safe. And whence
is courage: the unanswered question,
the resolute doubt
dumbly calling, deafly listeningthat
in misfortune, even death,
        encourages others
        and in its defeat, stirs

        the soul to be strong? He
sees deep and is glad, who 
        accedes to mortality
and in his imprisonment, rises
upon himself as
the sea in a chasm, struggling to be
free and unable to be,
        in its surrendering
        finds its continuing. 

        So he who strongly feels,
behaves. The very bird,
        grown taller as he sings, steels
his form straight up. Though he is captive,
his mighty singing
says, satisfaction is a lowly
thing, how pure a thing is joy.
        This is mortality,
        this is eternity.

 The Amateurs of Heaven 

Howard Nemerov

Two lovers to a midnight meadow came 
High in the hills, to lie there hand and hand 
Like effigies and look up at the stars, 
The never-setting ones set in the North 
To circle the Pole in idiot majesty, 
And wonder what was given them to wonder. 

Being amateurs, they knew some of the names 
By rote, and could attach the names to stars 
And draw the lines invisible between
That humbled all the heavenly things to farm 
And forest things and even kitchen things, 
A bear, a wagon, a long handled ladle; 

Could wonder at the shadow of the world 
That brought those lights to light, could wonder too 
At the ancestral eyes and the dark mind 
Behind them that had reached the length of light 
To name the stars and draw the animals 
And other stuff that dangled in the height,

Or was it the deep? Did they look in 
Or out, the lovers? till they grew bored 
As even lovers will, and got up to go, 
But drunken now, with staggering and dizziness, 
Because the spell of earth had moved them so, 
Hallucinating that the heavens moved.


樸素,深刻。無可詩,無不可詩。第二首詩乍讀沒找到感覺,多讀幾篇才隱約捕捉到一點詩題和詩句是如何合嵌的。 -惜也- 給 惜也 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/14/2021 postreply 04:31:59

我還是找不到詩的感覺。 -白九- 給 白九 發送悄悄話 白九 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/14/2021 postreply 07:26:32

每一個人都是追求天堂/夢想這場競賽中的業餘選手。我是這樣理解的。 -惜也- 給 惜也 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/14/2021 postreply 09:26:15



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