三月雪雨絮紛飛,珞珈櫻園聚美眉;清澈眸影動春風,素花瓣瓣畫翠微。Sān yuè xuě yǔ xù fēnfēi, luò jiā yīng yuán jù měiméi; qīngchè móu yǐng dòng chūnfēng, sù huābàn bàn huà cuìwēi.
三月雪雨絮紛飛,珞珈櫻園聚美眉;清澈眸影動春風,素花瓣瓣畫翠微。Sān yuè xuě yǔ xù fēnfēi, luò jiā yīng yuán jù měiméi; qīngchè móu yǐng dòng chūnfēng, sù huābàn bàn huà cuìwēi.
not sure fit into any format; so I did not label it. some words
(102 bytes)
05/09/2021 postreply
good point, but ran out of words. any thought?
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05/09/2021 postreply
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05/10/2021 postreply
身在櫻園盈盈寵,心有靈犀點點通,芨笄同窗傲珞珈, 天高雲厚正青蔥。
(223 bytes)
05/11/2021 postreply
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