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它翻錯了。金剛經裏 “清風拂山崗”,要說的是清風對山崗無可奈何。而它翻譯用sweepover,則是強調清風的威力,可以destroy, wipe out  的意思。所以是不對的。

swept\ ?swept  \; sweeping
Definition of sweep (Entry 1 of 2)
transitive verb
1a : to remove from a surface with or as if with a broom or brush
swept the crumbs from the table
b : to destroy completely : WIPE OUT —usually used with away
everything she cherished, might be swept away overnight
— Louis Bromfield
c : to remove or take with a single continuous forceful action
swept the books off the desk
d : to remove from sight or consideration
the problem can't be swept under the rug
e : to drive or carry along with irresistible force
a wave of protest that swept the opposition into office
2a : to clean with or as if with a broom or brush
b : to clear by repeated and forcible action
c : to move across or along swiftly, violently, or overwhelmingly
fire swept the business district
— Amer. Guide Series: Md.
d : to win an overwhelming victory in or on
sweep the elections
e : to win all the games or contests of
sweep a double-header
sweep a series
3 : to touch in passing with a swift continuous movement
4 : to trace or describe the locus or extent of (something, such as a line, circle, or angle)
5 : to cover the entire range of
his eyes swept the horizon
intransitive verb
1a : to clean a surface with or as if with a broom
b : to move swiftly, forcefully, or devastatingly
the wind swept through the treetops
2 : to go with stately or sweeping movements
proudly swept into the room
3 : to move or extend in a wide curve or range
sweep one off one's feet
: to gain immediate and unquestioning support, approval, or acceptance by a person
sweep the board or sweep the table
1 : to win all the bets on the table
2 : to win everything : beat all competitors



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