做你的雪蓮 https://wesingapp.com/play?s=N741h_nNJOvSDnf0&lang=en
加國才入秋,禦寒我穿黃金裘。漫山平野多少鹿? 呦呦。小區覓食漸露頭。
夕陽水上浮, 為看美景上層樓。不料煩人那海鷗。 偷偷。教我禮物車頂收。
It just turned autumn today, a bit cold,
I put on my leather jacket with gold.
Oh, how many deer are there?
These days they are everywhere,
and making sounds loudly,
while looking for food in the community.
Oh, look! The setting sun floats on water,
For more beautiful scenes, I climb the tower.
But ...what a party pooper!
A bad seagull just sneakily left a big present
on the top of my clunker!