彌爾頓的Sonnet to the Nightingale 歡迎翻譯家來翻譯 :))) 撿到錢了,happy~~~

來源: 小貝殼weed 2017-08-26 19:54:01 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1732 bytes)
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今晚天氣不錯,星星稀落寂寥如故,小樹林鴉雀無聲,隻聽見數隻秋蟲啾啾。想起彌爾頓的Sonnet to the Nightingale John Milton.?(1608–1674).??Complete Poems.The Harvard Classics.??1909–14.?Sonnet to the Nightingale?(1632–33)??O NIGHTINGALE that on yon blooming spray Warblest at eve, when all the woods are still, Thou with fresh hopes the Lover’s heart dost fill, While the jolly Hours lead on propitious May. Thy liquid notes that close the eye of Day, ????????5First heard before the shallow cuckoo’s bill, Portend success in love. O if Jove’s will Have linked that amorous power to thy soft lay, Now timely sing, ere the rude bird of hate Foretell my hopeless doom, in some grove nigh; ????????10As thou from year to year hast sung too late For my relief, yet had’st no reason why. Whether the Muse or Love call thee his mate, Both them I serve, and of their train am I. ?







格式問題有,撿錢當賣酒,萬一買了煙,也好留一手。 -linbiao571- 給 linbiao571 發送悄悄話 linbiao571 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/27/2017 postreply 06:27:20

格式問題有,莫非小貝醉了酒。等我撿到一筐錢,也好辭職來譯這首。 -Yimusanfendi- 給 Yimusanfendi 發送悄悄話 Yimusanfendi 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/27/2017 postreply 17:01:16

問好林兄,一畝兄~是用手機copy and paste格式就變了。一畝兄翻譯得越來越好,拭目以待再創佳作~~ -小貝殼weed- 給 小貝殼weed 發送悄悄話 小貝殼weed 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/27/2017 postreply 17:43:52



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