鷓鴣天·探訪施公 Visiting Shih

來源: karenkn 2017-03-31 09:10:13 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1536 bytes)


鷓鴣天·探訪施公       Visiting Shih

By Teresa          Translated by Albert Kung ( Mar 27, 2017 )

草長鶯飛三月嬌,    spring awaken where warbles fly, pampering the prairie air
施公水榭鴨回潮。    Shih was back, home to rest, health to care
閑雲倒影湖光裏,    idyllic cloud, mirroring lake, shadows to flare
萬裏晴風燕更高。    sapphire breeze, whiffing sky, flying high in pair

朗月稀,          smiley moon twinkling stars, caressing their way
草蟲遙,          wobbling grass, lullaby hiss where jolly insects sway
不辭燈火月半梢。    distant lights, reticent moon, shivering trees abay
但使湖城春猶在,    hope the city, still bathe in the breath of spring parade
許我桃花亂風騷。    Anthophilous, I am, to seduce and to pray



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