【原創詩詞】I Am the Only Being -Emily Bronte (呼嘯山莊的作者)

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I am the only being whose doom                                                         我是唯一的人
No tongue would ask no eye would mourn                             命中注定 無人過問 也無人流淚哀悼
I never caused a thought of gloom                                                    自從我生下來
A smile of joy since I was born                                                從未引起過 一線憂慮,一個快樂的微笑

In secret pleasure —secret tears                                             在秘密的歡樂 秘密的眼淚中
This changeful life has slipped away                                       這變化多端的生活就這樣滑過
As friendless after eighteen years                                          十八年後仍然無依無靠
As lone as on my natal day                                                     如我誕生那天一樣的寂寞

There have been times I cannot hide                                          曾有過我躲避不開的時光
There have been times when this was drear                             也曾有過那樣的時光如此淒涼
When my sad soul forgot its pride                                             當我悲哀的靈魂忘記它的自尊
And longed for one to love me here                                          卻渴望這裏會有人把我愛上

But those were in the early glow                                                    然而這隻是最初的一閃之念
Of feelings since subdued by care                                                此後便被顧慮壓倒而緩和
And they have died so long ago                                                     它們已經逝去了這麽久
I hardly now believe they were                                                     現在我難以相信它們曾經有過

First melted off the hope of youth                                                   起初青春的希望被融化
Then Fancy's rainbow fast withdrew                                              然後幻想的虹彩迅速退開
And then experience told me truth                                                於是經驗告訴我說 真理
In mortal bosoms never grew                                                        決不會在人類的心胸中成長起來

'Twas grief enough to think mankind                                                想到人類真夠悲哀
All hollow servile insincere                                                          他們都是不真誠,謅媚和虛偽
But worse to trust to my own mind                                                  然而更糟的是信賴我自己的心靈
And find the same corruption there                                               卻發現那兒是一樣的頹廢


【原創詩詞】?這是翻譯。 -yuanxiang- 給 yuanxiang 發送悄悄話 yuanxiang 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/13/2014 postreply 08:47:27

我原以為 原創歌詞 是指別人的原創歌詞,經你提醒,才知道自己理解錯了。 -RoseBrennan- 給 RoseBrennan 發送悄悄話 (83 bytes) () 05/13/2014 postreply 20:02:56
