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真是倒黴呀。   不會寫詩隨便弄兩句可以嗎?


對於很多人來說被追應該是一種甜蜜幸福的感覺。我很少被追,也許我本來就是一個tomboy型人物,不夠溫柔,眼神又凶, 當然也有被追的時候的,要不太對不起自己的青春了,隻是情況有點特別擺了。 住在這個四麵環水,山外有山,人外沒人的地方,見得最多當然是動物了,包括鹿,coyotes郊狼, racoons 浣熊,鬆鼠,狐狸, 甚至狼和熊,當然,熊是很少出現的。如果你有牌照,在特定時間和範圍內你可以自由狩獵--打鹿。 我住的地方四周都是樹林,除了看到浣熊來偷垃圾吃外,經常看見的是鹿的出現。在狩獵季節逐鹿是很平常的事情,反之,被鹿逐也不奇怪了 經常地,在戶外會看見鹿們一家幾口三五成群地出現,或悠閑地在你後院找吃的或蹦跳地跑過對麵馬路邊的樹林去休憩。去年冬天的一個下午,下著小雪,我在一個朋友家的院子裏和一隻鹿對視。它一動不動的盯著我看,我意欲靠前,卻被我朋友勸住了,她說鹿畢竟有它野性,攻擊性的一麵,還是小心點為好。 我家附近的一大片樹林被一條所謂的Power line 隔開,這條泥路大概有300米長,一般的車是不能通過的,但可以步行,可通自行車和摩托車。這條泥路靜靜的躺在那裏。遠遠看去偶爾會看見動物出沒,偶爾有人走過。我有時候散步經過都讓自己有著充分的心理準備。一天,我正在那路上慢跑,看見三隻鹿在前麵玩耍,我小心地停下,似乎鹿爸或鹿媽出自保護它們寶寶的本能,我看見它們眼裏發出攻擊性的光芒,眼看它們向我奔來,我的媽呀,我感覺腎上腺素迅速激增,馬上掉頭以200米全速逃跑。 就在這個時候我聽見遠遠摩托車聲, 瞬間看見一紅衣少年駝著他小女友風馳電掣向我迎麵駛來,一騎紅塵!簡直帥呆了,我背後的鹿們被嚇得跑進樹林裏。我得救了。可隨摩托車帥哥一閃而過的是一陣沙塵襲來,我屏住氣與塵暴搏鬥。路的盡頭是不通任何車的,所以我剛喘了口氣他們又折回來了,又起塵暴,弄得姐灰頭土臉,我心裏暗罵了一連串TMD小兔崽子。 如果說少女時代被自己不喜歡的男生追是一種煩惱,那麽現今,人到中年跑得不快情況下被追,而且是被鹿追,絕對不是一件愉快的事情。To many people, being chased by boys must be a sweet experience, but to me, because I was a tomboyish person with a cranky personality, so many boys would hesitate when they met the aggression in my eyes. However, of course I have the experience of being chased, or I would be sorry for my youth. The experience was just a bit different from usual. The experience of being chased happened in where I am living now. Living in this hilly area where is surrounded by waters and mountains, I feel that the population of animals is way more than humans. Animals here vary from coyotes, racoons, foxes to racoons, and there are even wolves and bears, but, of course bears seldom present. If you have a license, in the hunting seasons and within certain areas you can jack deer freely. The community I live in is surrounded by woods, so beside seeing racoons steal my garbage as their dinner, most of the time I see deer out and about in the neighborhood. In the hunting seasons, chasing deer is a common thing that happens in this city, and, vise versa, being chased by them might not be surprising. Usually, in outdoors you might see deer as a family out and about here and there leisurely looking for food in your back yard or trotting to the woods on the other side of the road for a rest. One day afternoon last winter, in the back yard of a friend of mine stood a huge deer, and his/her eyes met mine, so we started to stare at each other. I was excited and wanted to approach to him, but was stopped by my friend. She said deer are wild and aggressive sometimes after all, so we 'd better stay away from them. In my neighborhood, a huge woods is divided by a so-called power line, and this muddy road is about 300 meters long and cars are not allowed except for bikes and motorcycles. Anyway, it is a nice path for jogging if you are not scared of animals. This power line lays there quietly reflecting the stillness of the community. From far away once in a while you might see some animals haunt there relaxedly and sometimes people. Sometimes when I jog across that road I like to get myself well prepared for the present of those animals. One day, I was jogging on the that power line and saw 3 deer play not far away. I hesitated to go ahead as I saw them. Maybe it was the instinct to protect their baby, I saw the aggressiveness in the eyes of the mama deer and papa deer, and they started to approach to me, and I felt my adrenaline spike, so you can imagine that how horrified I was. I turned around and escaped in terror at the full speed of 200 meters dash. Luckily tight at that moment I heard the ear-splitting roar of a speeding motorcycle in distance. Right away I saw a teenager boy in red carrying his little girlfriend coming towards me. Riding in red! That reminded me of a poem I read before: 長安回望繡成堆, 山頂千門次第開。 一騎紅塵妃子笑, 無人知是荔枝來。 Simply awesome, behind me, the deer must be frightened as I was and ran into the woods. Thank God! I was saved. However, the motorcycle drove off and caused the burst of dust so I was left in the dust struggling, holding my breath. The end of the road is always a barrier to any car, so by the time I caught my breath, they came back and drove by me, and again, left me in the cloud of dust. I couldn't help saying wear words at them. If I say being chased by boys who I didn't like when I was young was a sort of pain in my neck, then today's situation of being chased by 2 deer is definitely not a pleasant experience.
