
來源: sportwoman 2013-01-10 09:54:12 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3276 bytes)
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The other day I was cut to the quick that my brother suggested me to stop writing 
poems. He said what I wrote is so monotonous and meaningless, no mention literary talents, and that was 
why he asked me to stop sending him any 
poems, no more.  Snobbish enough, he wondered why I was allowed 
to  flood the forum with my trashy work, 
 I said I threatened people there saying 
that my bodyguards are watching too, and if anyone said no, my guys will throw 
them out.  He sneered: "Get out of here, 
stop being childish". I was offended, so 
snobbishly I snapped:" You get out, kiss my ass!  In terms of learning English I have lagged far 
behind, Can't you see that? I just want 
to try everything I could to help myself out."  He kept giving me the lecture:"In future, write an article every day, stop writing 
poems!"  So I gave him the raspberry. Who 
do you think you are? I  was all right at 
the end of the conversation. Although what he said demolished my dreams of being a poet and temporarily closed out my interest in poem 
translating. However, I think he is sort of right on my situation, I 
should read first and then write. No matter what, I have refused to talk to him 
since that converation, and, off course, no more poems.
  --- 舊時習作---


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