你是誰?這是很多哲學家和宗教要回答的問題。這本書的作者MICHAEL SINGER 悟出的是:你是你的意識。世界一直在那裏,世上的事一直像流水樣經過。人們通常被周圍的事困擾,其實就像看電影一樣,你跟著電影情節流淚,等電影結束燈亮了,你其實隻是坐在椅子上。所以要學會用意識看自己。在你的意識隨波逐流的時候適時回來找到自己。
Who are you really? You are the consciousness. The world is just something you are watching; thoughts and emotions are the same.
- 一直提醒自己:你隻是在一個土球上在一個空間裏旋轉而已。你愛在乎穿什麽衣服,人家怎麽看你?
Take a moment to remember that you are spinning on a planet in the middle of empty space.
- 遇到讓你不安緊張的時候,就隨他去。 放鬆,大笑,原諒,隨便幹你想幹的。Just letting it go yourself. Just open, relax your heart, forgive, laugh, or do anything you want.
- 堅守沒有附加條件的快樂, 不管發生了什麽,都要快樂。Commit to unconditional happiness. The purpose of your life is to enjoy and learn from your experiences.
- 跟他人關係的苦惱通常從自己內心的混亂和渾濁開始。你把自己的負麵東西投射出去,把對方的心靈拉進來,傷害對方,還自認為自己是很合適的,但對方永遠不會認同。關係就破壞了。
If you start yelling at somebody, if you tell someone how you feel about them from this state of no clarity, you have involved that person’s heart and mind in your stuff. Now both of your egos are involved. Once you externalize these energies, you want to defend your actions and make them look appropriate. But the other next think they were propriate. Anything you put out comes back. Imagine if you got upset and fully released your disturbed energies onto another person. This is how people ruin relationships and destroy their lives.
- 你給自己建立了一個安全但是限製的牢籠,你可以打破它獲得自由。