表態支持卡馬拉的民主黨老 Elite 們

民主黨打著 “民主”旗號,為獨攬政治大權,謀取私利,幹著操縱、欺詐、盜劫、濫權打壓政治對手、隨意關押異議等違法勾當,看看這些吃了一輩子政治飯的髦髦之年的癡呆、酒鬼政棍們,如果你還投票給他們,你一定不是癡呆就是邪惡了。May be an image of 1 person and text

May be an image of 4 people and text that says 'SUNDOWN JOE: Senile Biden Wanders into an Empty Plane for No Reason First Take: Footage went viral on social media Sunday showing Joe Biden entering an empty plane, staying there for two-full minutes, then eaving after realizing he wasn't supposed to be on board.'May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Sunany 2I 0W2STPOR Well well well.... look whats surfaced. Lets see how long it takes for it to be taken down. Until then, share the crap out of it! COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK BARRY SOETORO Card #500962011054355 AA 81 FOREIGN STUDEN'May be an image of 2 people and text
