I also don't want to move

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回答: 我要是退休了,哪兒都不去!mychina2024-07-15 07:08:49

It's only because of the difficulties of moving. I do like North Florida next to the beach but don't want to  buy another house and pay another 5mortgage. North Carolina is fine. If I want to go down to Florida, I'll stay at Best Western. There's not any intention nor desire of going to the west coast, though. It takes three days to drive there. In comparison with that, Jacksonville FL is 5.5 hours away, D.C is 5.5 hours away from us, just driving up or down I-95. And those are the places I want to go to once a year. Idk what is good in CA that is worth the traveling.  Give me some insight, like the Travel CA commercial.



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