
八月四日, William Hawrelak Park, 藍天白雲下, 美麗的湖畔, 綠茵茵的草地上, 布滿了六十多個國家及民族的文化和食品的帳篷, 三十多個表演舞台變換著不同族裔的文化節目. 第37屆愛德蒙頓民俗節在這美麗的夏日, 在這節日的盛裝裏拉開帷幕.

多次獲國際大獎的Irish Folk Dance Group

中國民間舞蹈 (I missed very nice Chinese Gongfu display)

Audience meeting the performers on Columbia Stage


來自Saskatchwan 的Little German Band. (Very beautiful vocal and band music.)

意大利民間舞. (Did not see Italian singing. Hope to see it next year.)

火辣激情的危內瑞那拉丁舞. 喜歡他們熱情奔放的風格.

性感的拉丁舞. Audience were invited to stage. They teach Samba. 太性感, 真受不了.

南美拉丁舞again. (I forgot which country's performance this was.)

Koean Folk Dance (Forgot to check if they have Da Chang Jin dance)

Sri Lanka Folk Dance

South African Folk Dance

My favorite - Polish Folk Dance. But I missed big part of it. I even missed Muzurka.

Chile's Folk Dance

Another African Dance Group (I forgot which country's)

Romanian Folk Dance.

I am proud of living in such a friendly multicultural country.
