需要特殊軟件, like these

回答: "需要特殊軟件" like what?用戶名被占用了2012-03-27 08:23:53

Commercial Clustering Software

  • BayesiaLab, includes Bayesian classification algorithms for data segmentation and uses Bayesian networks to automatically cluster the variables.

  • ClustanGraphics3, hierarchical cluster analysis from the top, with powerful graphics

  • CViz Cluster Visualization, for analyzing large high-dimensional datasets; provides full-motion cluster visualization.

  • IBM SPSS Modeler, includes Kohonen, Two Step, K-Means clustering algorithms.

  • NeuroXL Clusterizer, a fast, powerful and easy-to-use neural network software tool for cluster analysis in Microsoft Excel.

  • Neusciences aXi.Kohonen, ActiveX Control for Kohonen Clustering, includes a Delphi interface.

  • perSimplex, clustering software based on fuzzy logic. Download available.

  • PolyAnalyst, offers clustering based on Localization of Anomalies (LA) algorithm.

  • StarProbe, cross-platform, very fast on big data, star schema support, special tools & features for data with rich categorical dimensional information.

  • Viscovery explorative data mining modules, with visual cluster analysis, segmentation, and assignment of operational measures to defined segments.

  • Visipoint, Self-Organizing Map clustering and visualization.

Free and Open-Source Clustering Software

  • Autoclass C, an unsupervised Bayesian classification system from NASA, available for Unix and Windows

  • CLUTO, provides a set of partitional clustering algorithms that treat the clustering problem as an optimization process.

  • Databionic ESOM Tools, a suite of programs for clustering, visualization, and classification with Emergent Self-Organizing Maps (ESOM).

  • David Dowe Mixture Modeling page for modeling statistical distribution by a mixture (or weighted sum) of other distributions.

  • MCLUST/EMCLUST, model-based cluster and discriminant analysis, including hierarchical clustering. In Fortran with interface to S-PLUS.

  • PermutMatrix, graphical software for clustering and seriation analysis, with several types of hierarchical cluster analysis and several methods to find an optimal reorganization of rows and columns.

  • Snob, MML (Minimum Message Length)-based program for clustering

  • StarProbe, web-based multi-user server available for academic institutions.

Additional Clustering Software Sites
