Please cast your vote (FOR). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 捍衛你孩子公平競爭入學名校的機會 曆史性的時刻已經到來了:2/21/2012,美國最高法院決定審理用"族裔"的理由來提高亞裔和白人高校入學門檻的做法是否違憲。您--關愛孩子未來的父母--現在就可以花一分鍾時間來幫助孩子增大孩子上他們理想大學的機會。 you might need to reload a couple times to make the link work. The server is slow... 下麵幾周內,我們需要征集到至少五萬個簽名,讓結果寫入Amicus Curiae ("法庭之友"的文書)作為證據資料遞交最高法院。我們要表明亞裔讚同以考生的綜合素質(而不是族裔)作為美國高校的招生標準。綜合素質包括申請學生現在的學術成績和未來可能的成功潛力,例如申請人是否能在不利的生活環境中仍能不懈努力等 (i.e. Overcome adversity under socio-economic constraint). 我們相信這樣的定位能給所有的考生提供一個公平競爭的機會,也能給學校足夠的彈性來製定他們的教育的目標。 之所以要五萬個簽名來支持這項活動是因為現在最高法院不知道亞裔作為少數族裔在這個案例上是支持還是反對高校取消‘族裔’作為錄取標準的。通過我們初步的調查,絕大多數的亞裔是支持取消‘族裔’這個錄取指標的。但是我們需要確實的數據來證明亞裔的立場,所以80-20全美亞裔教育基金會設計了這個民調書。 如果您願意讓你孩子抬頭做人,在申請書上大大方方承認自己是亞裔,而不懼怕會受歧視而上不了理想的學校的話,請現在就到下麵的網站來簽名讚成80-20的民調書,並請您的其他的亞裔朋友都來簽名。父母請各簽一個名,有自由意誌的學齡孩子也可以簽名!(必須是綠卡或公民才可以投票,謝謝合作。) 時間緊迫,謝謝您支持簽名和幫助轉發! (*Source: "No Longer Separate, Not Yet Equal: Race and Class in Elite College Admission and Campus Life" by Thomas Espenshade (Princeton University Press, 2009) A historical moment has arrived. On February 21, 2012, Please take this survey to project your voice to the Supreme Court. Your children’s future is literally in your hands! Currently, Asian Americans are being held at a much higher college admission standard. To receive equal consideration for the top colleges, out of a 1600 SAT maximum (verbal & math) 1550 for Asians = 1410 for Whites = 1100 for Blacks. The strong racial preferences instilled such a fear among Asian American applicants that many refuse to state their ethnicities in college applications. (Well, most of our LAST NAMES are a dead giveaway!) If you want your children to face such a harsh reality, then do nothing. Otherwise please We aim to gather Please fire up all your Asian American friends and families to vote. The clock is ticking; the deadline to submit a legal briefing is less than two months away. " What is at stake? For many Asian American parents, there is no larger issue at stake. We spend tens (even hundreds) of thousands of dollars, devote most evenings and weekends over 18 years, scarifying and enduring all hardships in order to give our children the best college preparation, only to find out that " Why the survey? The Supreme Court takes up contentious issues and set legal precedents for the lower courts. The rulings are based on the Justices’ lifelong personal experiences, There have been insidious attempts to confuse the college admissions issue by labeling racial preferences as a struggle between the "white" and the "minorities". It is NOT, "I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will Why Amicus brief? Amicus Curiae ("friend of the court" brief) is a legal process to influence the Court decision by someone who is not a party to the lawsuit but has a vested interest in the outcome. This third party volunteers to offer pertinent information to assist the Court in decision making. There is a two-month window during which Amicus can be filed, starting from the date the Court takes a case. The clock starts ticking on February 21, 2012. Why now? Only 5% of the US population is Asian Americans. Normally fractious and indifferent, we are mostly invisible. This Supreme Court case is closely contested, which enables us to The opportunity for the Supreme Court to review college racial preferences is very rare. It only happened twice before: In 1978 Bakker and 2003 Grutter, the decisions were extremely tight, with A Supreme Court ruling can have a multi-decade influence across the country. If we do not act Can we win? We have a There are eight Justices (The ninth, Justice Kagan has recused herself): Four (Alito, Roberts, Thomas, Scalia) are reliable opponent to racial preferences, and Three (Breyer, Gin*****urg, Sotomayor) are reliable supporter of racial preferences, this leaves Justice Three likely scenarios: 1) 2) 3) Don’t be tricked Be aware of the "Are you against affirmative action?" (Implying you are not progressive)
資料顯示,亞裔在美國要比其他族裔成績優秀許多才能上同樣的學校。要上同樣的名校,亞裔SAT要考1550分,白人1410分,而非裔隻需要1100分*(英文和數學滿分是1600)。亞裔入學這麽高的門檻使得許多亞裔的大學申請者非常害怕,有些幹脆 芫?諧鏊?鞘茄且/span>—其實學校一看名字還是能知道哪些孩子是亞裔。。。
"Affirmative Action (AA)" is a toxic and much abused phrase. It means totally different things to different people that it is completely meaningless to answer yes or no without explicit definition. Check out the official Department of Labor definition: "take affirmative action to ensure that all individuals have an
"What? You don’t support diversity?" (Implying you are narrow minded)
Diversity is more than skin deep: We support a diversity of ideas and socioeconomic backgrounds, which can be achieved through a sharp focus on individual character strengths without resorting to race and ethnicity. For example, the schools could use a combination of socioeconomic conditions and performance of a student within such constraint to identify high-potential individuals. If a socioeconomically disadvantaged group produces a disproportionally large percentage of students in this category, and therefore disproportionally benefits from such a preference, so be it. The key departure from the current practice is that
"What? You don’t support equal opportunity for under-represented minority?"
We support
Equal Representation is also known as "
"Let’s show solidarity with other minorities in our struggle with the white majority."
Viewing everything through the 1960s prism of black vs. white struggle is not only antiquated but downright dangerous. The real issue is some people used Asian Americans as a pawn in a proxy battle to achieve racial balancing. The interests of
"Do you NOT have any compassion toward under-privileged people?"
Quite contrary, we do. True compassion is to attack the root cause of the problem. Do you help a cancer patient by putting on a Band-Aid, and then wear it like an honor badge proclaiming "I helped him"? You are killing him by giving false hope while delaying real treatment. The patient needs chemotherapy, which is painful, lengthy but effective. The root-causes of the low academic achievement in some ethnic groups are the lack of parent involvements, low community expectation, and poor quality of the K-12 education. Achieving success requires hard work, persistency and sacrifice. It is already too late by the time a student gets out of the high school. Giving out college admissions on a platter only feeds entitlement. Please read the following reports to appreciate how
[1] "The Role of Ethnicity in Choosing and Leaving Science in Highly Selective Institutions", R. Elliott et. al. 37 Research in Higher Education 681 (1996)
[2] "Encouraging Minority Students to Pursue Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Careers", US Commission on Civil Rights, Briefing Report, Oct 2010.
[3] "Are Black/White Disparities in Graduation and Passing the Bar Getting Worse, or Better?" by R. Sander.
[4] "The Occupational Choices of High-Achieving Minority Students" (Harvard University Press 2003)
"Race is just ‘one of the many factors’, a ‘
What a patent lie! Study after study show racial preferences as a dominant factor in college admissions. If all other credentials are equal, Asian-Americans need to score 140 points more than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and 450 points above African-Americans out of a maximum 1600 on the math and reading SAT to have the same chance of admission to a top private college. Please show any data to the contrary before making the "tie breaker" argument again.
"Asian Americans
We challenge the colleges to open up their admission files for social study before propagating racial stereotype. Asian stereotyping like this helped keep Jeremy Lin on the bench until his coach ran out of other "warm bodies" to play. It is even sadder that some Asian Americans also buy into such crap.
Do you see the sinister cycle? Raise the bar on Asian Americans => Force us Asian Americans to work harder to achieve more => Increase the difference between the ethnic groups => You folks must be academic robots => Robots are weird, lacks personal appeal => Justify the decision to raise the bar even higher to make room for the others.
"We are a ‘
Just say NO! We want equal opportunity based on our qualifications, as enshrined in the "Equal Protect Clause" of the 14th Amendment.
The "model minority" stereotype has inflicted considerable damages to the Asian American community by justifying the exclusion of assistance programs to the needy and discounting the achievements of all individuals. College admission is just one such example.
"I had a 3.7 undergraduate GPA.
"You are stirring up racial tension by talking about such a sensitive topic."
Just the opposite, we ask the society to pay lesser attention to race and more to individual qualifications. American may have been the only developed nation to even allow the race question to be asked in college applications. Canada, Austrian, and the European nations DO NOT ask this question. Why are we so fixated in insisting to identify every ingredient in the melting pot, if we do not intent to use such data for the purpose of differential treatment?
tie breaker’, a ‘nudge factor’."lack personal appeal, which offset their academic performance."model minority’, need to work harder, achieve more for the same recognition."As an Asian I didn't qualify for loans or grants as I was not an 'under-rep' minority so worked 3 jobs to get through school. One of them was to tutor 'under-rep' minorities that usually had GPA in the 1's and 2's and had an overall graduation rate of 30%. Just lowering the bar to absolute rock bottom to meet diversity quotas is absolutely, positively absurd. They never graduate...because most weren't qualified to go. Fix the problem in K-12 because it's pointless by college." —BrandonH, St. Louis, upon reading "Some Asian’s College Strategy: Don’t Check ‘Asian’""The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race."
— Chief Justice John Roberts"Sky will fall on African Americans and Latinos if the Supreme Court bans racial preferences"
Why would racial preferences proponents refuse to look at the real-life data? 40% of the US population lives in states in which public universities are not using preferences. Has the sky fallen in these states? The best example is California. After Proposition 209 was passed in 1996 banning racial preferences, there was an initial drop in Blacks and Latinos enrollment. The enrollment returned to the highest pre-1996 level in 2002, increased another 40% by 2007, together with increased socioeconomic diversification and improved classroom integration. Through a focus on improved K-12 education, the number of academically strong minority students has also increased remarkably. This is exactly the right approach: Forcing everyone into a race to the top, rather than pulling everyone down to the bottom. The proponents of racial preferences only want to advertise what happened immediately after Prop 209, and refuse to acknowledge what happened afterward.
trick questions from racial preferences supporters:equal opportunity for employment, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability". The original meaning of AA is "stop past racial discrimination now or face penalty." In common practice, however, AA has been stretched beyond imagination and morphed into "apply reverse discrimination to others so that the some preferred minorities can be equally represented despite of lesser qualifications." In addition, AA means "racial" to some, "socioeconomic" to the others. Please answer the question using words other than AA. Otherwise your opponent would take your yes/no, switch the meaning, and insist you said so.individual efforts are needed to gain admission, rather than relying on a caricature of group characteristics, such as race and ethnicity. After all, a poor African American kid and a poor Asian American kid from equally socioeconomically disadvantaged family backgrounds should compete based on their personal drives to succeed despite of the adverse conditions. Racial preferences disproportionally benefit suburban wealth minorities who happen to have the "right" skin color, at the expense of their poor brethren and all others.Equal Opportunity, we oppose Equal Representation. Equal opportunity is to provide opportunity consistent with one’s qualifications and let him to rise or fall based on performance. It doesn’t imply equal outcome. Equal representation, on the other hand, is to make the outcome proportional to the population regardless of one’s qualifications. It insists on equal outcome, which is Communism in disguise. Confusing the two dichotomous concepts would drag us into gratuitous battles against our community interest.Racial Balancing". After being consistently ruled as unconstitutional, its supporters now call it "Racial Diversity". After all, who does not love diversity?four million Asian American children were sacrificed for someone else’s gain, all without our knowledge or consent. They have the right to sacrifice their own children’s futures if they truly believe in their causes, but they have NO right to do this to YOUR children unless YOU give the consent. This is the reason we launch this survey project to hear YOUR voice. Please cast your solemn vote.racial pref! erences actually hurts the intended beneficiaries, with "academic mismatch" leading to self-segregation and less classroom diversity [1], undermining minority enrollment in science and engineering [2], reducing the graduation rate [3], and damaging the minority pipeline in academia [4].http://www.el***** sander_2_black_.html whose qualifications are summarily discounted請閱讀更多我的博客文章>>>