Herman Cain 到紐約, 我們到他吃飯的地方以示支持. 在寒風中站了半個小時, 有路人主動跟我們聊天, 控訴主流媒體不公平. 他認為那個上電視的女的被芝加哥馬費亞給收買, 而芝加哥馬費亞是O8後麵的主要支持力量. He seems to know a lot, he says that Lawyer Gloria gave Sharon Bialek $100k to have a news conference. He seems to be on the wall street bankers side. Very interesting.
我很震驚,還是第一次聽到這個說法. 芝加哥馬費亞是O8的後台到是聽說過.
But Sharon Bialek is living in the same building with a strategist of O8 and the rumor says he is a mafia.