
本文內容已被 [ JoshuaChow ] 在 2011-11-05 12:19:57 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

Walking is a part of our daily lives, but we often take for granted the basic rules of the road we learned when we were much younger…

Pedestrian Safety Tips

Always cross at intersections.  Crossing mid-block is unsafe; never cross from between two parked cars…drivers can’t see you and definitely are not expecting you.

Stop, look and listen before crossing.  As when you were a child, look right and left over your shoulder before crossing; look for cars and bicycles.

Make eye contact with drivers.  Don’t step out into the street until the cars have yielded.

Allow vehicles enough time to stop. Don’t try to assert your right of way with a fast-moving vehicle.

When crossing at a signal-controlled intersection, cross only on a green light OR when the “walk” sign is activated; the walk sign may change, but the light is timed to give you enough time to continue on safely before opposing traffic approaches.

Be visible, predictable – always cross in a straight line… the shortest distance between two points. Use extra care when crossing with children. Remember, drivers may not see a little one…hold their hand while crossing.

Be a defensive walker. Always watch where you are going and expect the unexpected.

(This message was originally sent out by the Santa Monica Police Department as a community notice.  However, it applies to everyone and is generally good information.)


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