
我於2005年在 York International 實習期間碰到 Angie。她在辦公室經常咳嗽,打噴嚏,過敏反應很嚴重。她告訴我她來美國3-4 年後就開始有過敏反應。一個叫Juwan Arbarjuwan住在 Baltimore 的實習生有更加嚴重的過敏反應。有一次他跟我說些事,說了好幾遍我都沒聽懂。他有黑人的講話方式,加上呼吸沉重。吐出來的字感覺像有人嘴裏含了東西說話。那是我在美國第5 個年頭,還沒有聽習慣各種不同的美國口音,聽不清時就更加緊張了。第二天,我跟他說一句話,他顯得也聽不懂即使我重複了好幾遍。當時急著想辦法讓他聽懂我說得。沒在意。現在(2011/10)回憶起來,感覺他也許是故意的。如果他聽得清裝聽不清的話,就顯得很小心眼了。如果我沒記錯,他跟我說過他的父親是Johns' Hopkins 醫院的心髒科醫生。他給我介紹了我現在工作的公司網頁地址。During 2005 internship in York International I met Angie. She has severe allergic reaction, sneezing and coughing a lot. She told me she had developed such symptom after stayed in USA for 3-4 years. One intern named Juwan living in Baltimore seems have even more stronger allergic reaction. One time he talked me something, I somehow couldn't get what his meaning even after he repeated couple times. He speaks in ebony accent with heavy breath. Words from him were like spoken with mouthful of food to me. I was in my 5th year in USA and still couldn't get use to different English speaking accents and got really nervous when couldn't get what others' said. Next day he appeared not understand what I said even after I repeated many times. I tried hard to make him understand what I said and didn't think much that time. Now recalling the incidence, I feel that he maybe pretend not understand. I used to think he is friendly person, now feel that he maybe a narrow-minded person. If I didn't remember wrong, Juwan told me that his father is a cardiology doctor working for Johns' Hopkins.後來搬到 Cockysville Baltimore的租房後,我也開始有些過敏反應,由於房間內的空氣味道引起的。有時我會聞到腐爛動物的味道從衣帽間飄出來,但是找不到任何屍體。打電話給了物管。一次物管人員在我套房裏搜了一陣,又去樓上找了一下,沒得到任何結論。我注意到有個橢圓形臉,中青年,比普通個子稍高 的黑人有時會出入我們的這棟樓。After moved to an apartment in Cockysville Baltimore, I also started to develop some kind of allergic symptoms with the smell inside the apartment. Sometime I would smell rotten animal from the closet area, but couldn't find anything. I called the apartment maintenance office. One time one maintenance guy came to look around my apartment, also the apartment upstairs, but couldn't conclude anything. I did notice that there was one strange oval shaped, younger than middle age, above average height African-American guy coming in and out time by time from our apartment building. 於2007 年聖誕節期間,跟朋友爬了山,吃了海鮮,第二天早上嚴重咳嗽。我在Mars 超市旁邊的Padonia 門診處看了醫生。等了好久。醫生取了唾液樣,回來後告訴我,沒有大礙。他問我中國好還是美國好。說實話,說不上來。咳嗽都咳不上來了。我盡最大的努力跟他說得病過程。他讓我去買不用處方的藥Motron。那藥沒起多大作用。後來感覺到胸悶和呼吸困難,就去看了呼吸係統專科醫生, Dr. Randall。他給我開了很多過敏藥。用了那些藥後,呼吸稍微通暢了一些,但是幫助不是很大。我的喉嚨還是紅腫。During 2007 Christmas after hiking and having a seafood dinner with friends, I had extremely sever cough next morning。I visited the doctor in the clinic beside the Mars grocery store. After an extreme long wait, the doctor took some saliva sample from me. He came back and asked me between China and America which country is better. Frankly I have no idea. I tried to feed illness related information to him as much as I can. He told me there was no big problem with me and prescribed over the count medicine, Motron, to me. It didn’t help much. I went to see the pulmonary specialist, Dr. Randall. He prescribed a lot of allergic medicine to me. It reduced some symptoms, but not much. My throat kept having inflammation. 我停止吃那些過敏藥,開始了中醫治療。我先拜訪了 Rockville的一位不錯的針灸師,高忠良醫生。他治好了我的咳嗽,喉嚨紅腫,和胸悶。但是我的喉嚨還是不是很舒服。 高醫生顯得很忙。我就繼續去我家附近 Kaiing 介紹的針灸師施成章那裏治療。沒有吃過敏西藥,搬到新家後,我的呼吸問題基本治好了。I stopped using those allergic medicine and started Chinese traditional treatment。I first visited a good acupuncturist, Dr. GaoZhongLiang, in Rockville. He stopped the cough, inflammation and stuffed chest. But I still felt uncomfortable on my throat, then visited the doctor close to my house that Kaiing introduced to me. Without taking any allergic medicine and after I moved into my new house, I finally got cured. On 25th December, during the friends gathering, Kaiing asked me if I visited Dr. Shi. I told her I've bee cured, so didn't visit him.2010年12月25日,與凱英,單爾,小金夫婦,小周,和另一對夫婦聚會時,凱英問我有沒有去看施醫生。我說治好了就沒去了。最後一次去看施醫生,提到凱英,施醫生介紹一個叫王實(名子這麽發音)的男人,那人58 歲,有兩個長大的兒子,在賣賣房子。我就跟他說,聽起來跟凱英的情況很相近。凱英40多歲,快50,也有兩個長大的兒子,而且也兼職做房子銷售。我說我會跟凱英說的。在回家的路上打電話給凱英,留了言。後來她打給我,我就一五一十的跟凱英說。如果感興趣讓她直接打電話給施醫生,可能在施醫生家附近的教堂會麵。當時她對會麵的教堂很糾結。我就問她有沒有去,她說也沒有。第二天,我打電話給凱英問她想不想參加一個下個周末的活動。她說她身體不舒服,必須呆在家裏,準備去看醫生。On December 25, 2010, I attend the friends' gathering with Kaiing, Daner, and other couples in Hunan Taste, then went to the Jin's house to spend time together. The last time when I visited Dr. Shi, he asked me about Kaiing. He told me he knew one guy named WangShi, 58 in age, having two grow up sons, real-estate agent. I told him that this guy seems matching for Kaiing, who is in late 40s, having two grow up sons (living with her ex-hu*****and), and does part time job as real-estate agent. I promised Dr. Shi that I would inform Kaiing. On the way back home, I made phone call to Kaiing and left the message on her phone. She called me back, I told her everything heard from Dr.Shi. I told her if she was interested in that guy, she 'd better contact with Dr. Shi and they may be arranged to meet in the church near by Dr. Shi's house. She wished that guy to visit her in her church. So I asked her if she had visited Dr. Shi. She replied that she didn't either. Next morning I called Kaiing and asked her if she want to attend some events next weekend. She said she got sick and had to stay home. 單爾是凱英的好朋友和同事。第一次遇到她是在2007 情人節朋友聚餐。桌子是凱英的同事叫陸明 (這麽發音)定的,但是他和老婆沒參加。從施醫生那裏聽到單爾有一次全身痛,不得不進醫院。 我打了一個電話給凱英。凱英跟我說單爾離婚了,是有那麽回事。我打電話給單爾。她挺起來還可以。我們聊了一會兒。我跟她說,我們三個人周末沒事都可以聚聚。聖誕節前1-2 星期我打電話給她們,想不想去買聖誕禮物。單爾沒回話。凱英說要去看電影。這次聚會中,單爾有跟我說不要打電話給她,有事打給凱英。聽得很驚訝。後來發了一些可參加的活動清單給她們。單爾回了一份郵件顯得很憤怒。我就再沒有理單爾了。Daner is close friend and colleague of Kaiing. First time we met together was back in 2007 Valentine's Day friends' gathering dinner. The dinner was booked by Kaiing's another colleague named LuMing at Little Italy restaurant. But somehow he didn't attend. Heard from Dr. Shi that Daner had extreme body pain and had to visit hospital, I called Kaiing and asked about it. Kaiing told me about Daner had divorced. I made phone call to Daner. She sound fine and told me that she had switched to different acupuncturist that I might visited back in 2006. We had a pleasant chat. I told her that she, Kaiing, and I can always spend time together during weekends if we individually have nothing to do. Kaiing did initiated an activity, but was canceled because Daner had to attend a crab dinner with others. During that dinner gathering, Daner told me not to phone her, but Kaiing only. I sent some event /activity list to both of them. Daner once replied with an email with kind of anger. So I stopped contacting with her.在中醫治療過程中,我還去了在 Rockville的華裔呼吸科醫生。他告訴我成為過敏治療醫生的原因是他在來美國上大學的第5個年頭就開始受嚴重的過敏反應不得不在上課時把鼻孔用衛生紙堵起來不讓鼻涕流出。他說很多華裔都會來美國5-7年後產生過敏反應。他在我背上測了過敏源,但是基本沒有,隻有對蟎蟲有一點。我呼吸係統的障礙看起來跟過敏沒有多大聯係。During Chinese tranditional treatment, I visited another pulmonary Chinese doctor in Rockville. He told me the reason he became an allergist, because he had extremely allergic reaction himself that he had to stuff his nose to stop flowing during the classes after studied in USA for about 5 years. He said many Chinese develop allergic reaction after staying in USA about 6-7 years. He tested me for many different allergens. I'm not allergy to almost any element tested, but little bit to mite. My symptom seems not caused by allergy. 這個醫生問我做什麽。當我告訴他我在國內生產和出口工藝品後,他告訴我他認識非洲一個國家的皇室人員想買瓷質碟子。我跟他說自從我來美國上學後就不再過問那些生意上的事了,但是我的合作人還繼續從中國買工藝品。在下一個就診,我就把朋友帶去,談談合作意向,互相交換聯係信息。讓他把需要的產品樣圖發給我們。但是就不了了之了。This Chinese doctor asked me what I do for living. After I told him that I used to manufacture/sell arts&crafts back in China, he told me he knew some royal family members from some African country that were interested in buying porcelain plates. I told him I hadn't working in that field after I studied in USA, but my partner is still traveling back and forth between China and USA to buy and sell crafts. During the next office visit, I took my partner there to discuss the business and exchanged contact information and asked him to send sample pictures. But never heard anything after that. 第一個就診的呼吸係統專科醫生問我吃了什麽中藥。我問針灸師說明情況,要了一份中藥單子給了他。 Kaiing 問我要了高醫生的聯係信息,她說朋友在 Rockville想看中醫。最後一次去看高醫生時,他添了一個小年輕幫忙,他的信用卡付款機不在,我不得不寫支票給他。The 1st pulmonary specialist asked me what kind of medicine I took, I got a list of Chinese herb names from the acupuncturist to him. Kaiing asked for the contacting information of the acupuncturist in Rockville, Dr. GaoZhongLiang and told me her friends there look for one. I gave the information to her. During the latest visit to Dr. Gao, I saw a young boy was helping him and his credit card register was not there. I had to write a check to him for the payment.Elena 的婚禮結束後第二天早上,我請她的朋友,王梅,在我的住處借宿一夜到 Ihop吃早餐。她沒吃多少食品,倒是吃了很多藥片。她跟我說她每天都必須吃的。Elena 的另一個朋友,凱英老跟我說她有這樣那樣的病,手指甲,膀子,泌尿係統等等。特別是她的胃。因為這,她晚上都不能睡覺。不過她特別愛吃日本料理的生魚片和壽司。Elena 的老公和公公都是Johns' Hopkins 醫院的醫生。Next morning after the Elena's wedding, I invited her friend, May Wang, who stayed in my apartment for the night for the breakfast in Ihop. She didn't eat much food, but handful of pills. She told me she had to eat that every day. Kaiing kept telling me that she has all kind of health problems, nails, arms, urinate system ...etc. especially her stomach problem, she couldn't sleep because of it. But she does eat sushi-me and sushi, her favorite food. Both Elena's hu*****and and father in law are the doctors from John's Hopkins.自從2011年,時不時我會在半夜因打噴嚏,咳嗽,或喉嚨幹躁驚醒,引起的原因是不知從哪裏飄進房間的刺激性很強的氣體。我看到那個同一個橢圓形臉的黑人從我左邊的鄰居家跟著穿著黑裙的女主人走出來。這個黑人出沒於我以前租房的大樓。後又在新家附近的修車庫見過這個黑男人和一個黑女人。好一陣沒看到女主人的父母來拜訪了。8月1日淩晨,我被同樣味道和感覺的氣體驚醒,就換了一個房間睡覺。聽到左邊鄰居小女兒的哭聲。緊接著同樣味道和感覺的氣體飄進鼻子。這天後沒見他們的小孩。8月10日,11日臨晨,同樣被奇怪的氣體驚醒,不過,味道沒有了,隻是對鼻子和皮膚刺激很大。8月10 日下午收垃圾的黑人到我隔間清垃圾桶,很突然的來一句 “How are you?” (以前從沒說過)。 沒理。8 月11日早上走出家門,就看到一隻腹部朝天的死蟬躺在台階上。晚上回家時就找不到了。今天坐著上班突然感覺腦後重重的,手腳一陣麻木感覺好像後腦勺觸電一樣。真覺得不舒服,John Beasley 叫Kyle Wilitte 來我隔間問問題。他自己一邊說著走過了我的隔間。8月12日早上被同樣刺激性的空氣驚醒,今天腦袋沉重的感覺不見了,但是移動膀子時,會有發麻的感覺。8月13日早上6點15分左右被同樣刺激性的空氣驚醒,這種氣體持續了20分鍾左右散了。Since 2011, time by time I could smell strange air flowing into the house. I had hard time to figure out how the air gets into my house. It comes even the air conditioning system and fan were turned off and no strange air outside the house. I would be woken up by sneezing, coughing, or dry throat at the middle of night caused by that strange air. I saw the same oval face black guy coming out from my left side neighbor. Didn't see the woman’s parents. August 1st, smelled funny air and woke up and moved to different room. Just settled for little while, then heard a little girl's crying ( left side neighbor's daughter). A breath of air with the same smell and sensation blew to my nose. Didn't see their kids after this day.On August 10th ,11th , I was also woken up by strange air, except it has no smell, but irritates my nose and skin. On August 10th afternoon, a garbage collector came to the cubicle to empty trash cans, and suddenly popped out “How are you”. I didn't reply. On August 11th morning, saw a dead cicada lying outside my door and came back evening and couldn't find it anymore. At work, suddenly I felt so heavy and tight on the lower back of my head and my arms and legs feel numb sensation as if I got electrical shot. Feeling so bad, I heard John Beasley asked Kyle Willette to ask me some questions about the work. So I turned my back and answered questions Kyle asked while he stood at the entrance of my cubical. John walked away. On August 12th morning, smelled the similar kind of air with irritation. My head feels fine, but I can still fill the numb sensation when my arms move.On August 13th morning around 6:15am, smelled the similar kind of air with irritation. It lasted 20 minutes also.On August 14th , no strange air. The woman's SUV wasn't there since August 13th night until then. On August 15th, no strange airOn August 16th , strange air blew in around 7:00amOn August 19th , strange air blew in at 11:00pm middle of night last until 3:03am of August 20th . Smell it while sitting at the living room. Left the door open.Started Around October 4th , for about over one week the air appeared normal and I had peaceful sleep. October 13th, the same air came in again around 10:30pm. October 24th, the same air came in around 4:00am. My face was irritated. Same air came in around 20:00pm


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