國際上卻裝得像個闊佬,一張口就給利比亞反政府武裝給$25 million。看看美國老百姓是如何感想:
I am a U.S Marine combat veteran and a full time college student. I ride the "out dated" public transit to school every day and see first hand the crumbling infastructure in my town. I get DENIED food stamps even though I work full time to make ends meet and attend school full time as an engineering student. I served FOUR combat deployments to fight their wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. How about we forget about the worlds problems and fix our own for a while.... It wont be long untill hungry fed up americans hit the streets in anger and protest... This Bullshit spending needs to stop!!!
HECK NO....give me 25 million, I'm an American...I NEED the money....stop giving my money away to foreign countries. I'm sick of it
what about giving 25 Million in grants to the people of the US instead of pissing all this money away oversea's WHAT ABOUT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE !!!! JUST KEEP TAXING US AND WE HAVE NO SAY IN THE MATTER THIS IS TOTAL BULL#$T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When is the American people going to say enough is enough and put these so called leaders out of office? It's time we started looking after our country insted of every country around the world. The people of the U.S. need assistance and here we go giving millions to another country for their aid. I suppose there will be another tax hike to cover this too! It's easy to see why our country is broke, we have IDIOTS running it.
washington " can never" seem to find the money to repay what they borrowed from social security and medicare , but theyve no problem what so ever " giving " $ 25 million to the regels in libya, and add in the $ billion or so already spent there in the initial attacks ? seems anything and or anyone " foriegn" is now " priority one" as far as washington is concerned ! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH PEOPLE !
So, America's creidt rating is in the crapper, we want to cut medicare and social security for those that worked hard to pay into it and they want to give away OUR HARD EARNED TAX DOLLARS to foreign countries???? NO!!!!! NO!!!!! NO!!!!! This is exactly why the framers of the constitution made it clear when a government acts against its people it is the RIGHT of the people to depose that government. America needs three industries: Forming Rails, Collecting Feathers, and Boiling Tar. And we need to remember how to use them.