perhaps need to be tactic, not confrontational, especially to your boss. For example, soembody went to my boss and complained that I used too much phone at work, that he could not concentrate. My boss came to me telling me that I should use less phone. I said ok, and suggested to him if it is too much, he can deduct some salary for using too much phone. Then I sent him an email telling him that I checked and this was the muniutes I was on the phone, then I told him I never complained about other people, that this might not be random, it happened must for a reason. if this happened again I needed to know the name of the person. Also I told this story to other people in the same unit that somebody tried to report me to the boss, they be careful.It became a joke among the coworkers, people are much more friendly now.
another point, never start letter/email with "I".
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04/12/2011 postreply