俺們的本田議員也對沒有cut defense proposal表示不滿。總統難當啊。if he takes the left for granted, no one will show up at the poll in 2012.
Ugh. More "Free Trade" agreements. (8+ / 0-)
- Recommended by:
- Eric Blair, frandor55, shaharazade, alkalinesky, dhshoops, schnecke21, JRandomPoster, Free Jazz at High Noon
"No nation can preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare." -James Madison
More deregulation.... (11+ / 0-)
- Recommended by:
- Aspe4, Eric Blair, frandor55, Cory Bantic, shaharazade, jayden, schnecke21, JRandomPoster, Situational Lefty, flavor411, Free Jazz at High Noon
He's making an awful lot of concessions to the wall street raiders here...
Congress sat together and America's soul was healed. /me pukes
Because it has worked so well in the past eom (0+ / 0-)
I declare the war is over--Phil Ochs
by Eric Blair on Tue Jan 25, 2011 at 08:23:20 PM PST
[ Parent ]
Deregulation. (8+ / 0-)
- Recommended by:
- Aspe4, Cory Bantic, shaharazade, kurious, wayoutinthestix, cybrestrike, schnecke21, Situational Lefty
It's now a bipartisan idea now, I guess.
The inadequate is the enemy of the necessary.
Safe to say that most of us just shat our pants. (16+ / 0-)
- Recommended by:
- hester, mwm341, Cassandra77, barbwires, Pluto, Cory Bantic, shaharazade, kurious, wayoutinthestix, temptxan, Support Civil Liberty, cybrestrike, schnecke21, JRandomPoster, Situational Lefty, Free Jazz at High Noon
Lowering the corporate tax rate? Who saw that coming?
If you lose your disc or fail to follow commands, you will be subject to immediate de-resolution. That will be all.
The Chamber of Commerce. n/t (9+ / 0-)
- Recommended by:
- hester, Cory Bantic, shaharazade, kurious, aliasalias, SpamNunn, JRandomPoster, angstall, Situational Lefty
Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day. Harry Truman
by temptxan on Tue Jan 25, 2011 at 06:45:55 PM PST
[ Parent ]
I did and he's right (4+ / 0-)
America has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. This is terrible for jobs.
by Pluto on Tue Jan 25, 2011 at 06:46:21 PM PST
[ Parent ]
????? n/t(1+ / 0-)
- Recommended by:
- shaharazade
Formerly known as Jyrinx.
“If I can't dance to it, it's not my revolution.” ― Emma Goldman
by Code Monkey on Tue Jan 25, 2011 at 06:46:46 PM PST
[ Parent ]
bullshit--you are uninformed.(1+ / 0-)
- Recommended by:
- Code Monkey
by livjack on Tue Jan 25, 2011 at 06:47:12 PM PST
[ Parent ]