
來源: ERommel 2011-01-16 21:21:18 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1267 bytes)
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回答: 葡萄籽油呢?涯涯2011-01-16 21:03:42

Olive oil and grape seed oil are virtually identical in terms of nutritional content. Per tablespoon, both oils have around 1.8g of saturated fat and 9.7g of unsaturated fat. Grape seed oil contains more vitamin E. It has about 3.9 mg per tablespoon compared with 1.9 mg in a tablespoon of olive oil.

Olive oil has a relatively low smoke point, around 320 Fahrenheit.This smoke point is not high enough for deep frying. Grape seed oil has a much higher smoke point of around 420 Fahrenheit, so it can be used safely and successfully for deep frying and sautéing at a high heat.Therefore, Grape seed oil can be used for virtually any cooking need from salad dressings to deep frying. Its neutral flavor increases its versatility and could be considered a better "all-around" oil than olive oil.



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