thanks for sharing. you do need handrails on both sides.

回答: 如何將台階改建成斜坡袋鼠國Bob2024-09-04 22:47:18
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has several requirements for wheelchair ramps, including: 
  • Slope: The maximum slope for a wheelchair ramp is 1:12, which means that for every inch of rise, the ramp must be at least 12 inches long. 
  • Width: The minimum width for a wheelchair ramp is 36 inches between the handrails. 
  • Landings: Ramps must have landings at the top and bottom. 
  • Handrails: Ramps must have handrails on both sides that are between 34 and 38 inches above the ramp surface. 
  • Surface: Ramps must be stable, firm, and slip-resistant. 
  • Openings: Any openings in the surface should not be able to have a ½ inch sphere pass through them. 
  • Resting platforms: Ramps longer than 30 feet should have resting platforms of 4'x5' or 5'x5'. 
  • End: Ramps should end on a hard, level surface with a minimum of 5'x5'. 
A digital level can be used to measure the slope of a ramp. 