


今天還找到個典型例子,New Hampshire的某人分別在2018年和2012年因誹謗罪被逮捕。2018年的誹謗罪因為是告政府官員,迫於民眾輿論,州政府dismissed起訴。2012年的起訴被認罪罰款。

In 2018, Frese wrote in the comments section of an article on Seacoastonline, a local news site, detailing the retirement of William Shupe, the former chief of police of Exeter. Frese alleged Shupe was corrupt, accusing him of covering up for a “dirty cop.” 

A few weeks after his comments were made, on May 23, Frese was arrested for violating New Hampshire’s criminal defamation law, which makes it illegal to “purposely communicate to any person, orally or in writing, any information which he knows to be false and knows will tend to expose any other living person to public hatred, contempt or ridicule.” 

This was not the first time Frese was charged with violating the state law. In 2012, he pleaded guilty for doing so with comments he made about a local life coach. He was fined $1,488.

