就是說從日本或中國訪問巴黎的人, 會得這毛病。
原音之一是:訪問前把它想得太好了, 哈哈。。。
俺看有人去趟那破地方就在家壇顯擺, 俺就偷著笑。
俺小時候進趟城, 回家都不跟小夥伴顯擺。
城裏沒玉米地, 找不到方便的地方, 有啥好的,LOL
- Idealization of Paris
- The syndrome is also due to the gap observed between the idealized vision of Paris nurtured at home, and the actual reality of Paris. The city is often portrayed as an idyllic place of beauty, love and luxury goods. The reality is often different, and more similar to modern Japan (以及中國, 俺加的)than tourists might expect.