*pm, 窮姐準時到庭, 坐等了10幾分鍾都沒見法官,隻見前麵工作台有個西裝男和2個白女背對著我們。
Tell me what happened, oh, you don’t have to, if you don’t want 西裝男堆笑臉,姐一恍惚,仿佛不是在恐怖嚴肅的法庭,而是在酒店大廳
Oh., no, I really appreciate you give me this opportunity 。 I am a well educated *** professional, ( 一緊張, 好像不記得說是大機構雇員了,具體現在記不清了)。 西男帶笑點頭說right. I am an immigrant, English is not my native language 西男繼續帶笑點頭, 姐的舌頭開始打結 I completely don’t know what loiter means at all before. I thought like throwing garbage,,, littering,,,西男繼續帶笑點頭說Right。 That night was very cold, 西男繼續帶笑點頭,(不知他是否還記得那晚,因為那晚天文台有發極寒聲明), there’s 繼續結巴沒說出詞from weather station ,西男繼續帶笑點頭, so I waited there and used this IPad (指著放在桌上的Ipad)to surf on internet 。
Right, 西男說, I just check, what you said are basically same as 指指卷宗 here, using iPad. So there’s no public interest, your case is dropped. You are welcome to stay, but if you have more important things to do, you can leave now.
Thank you very much. I will leave
Ok, I will let judge know
姐內心說,你不給姐寫個formal 證明啊?但轉念一想,算了,別多事了,不過還是忍不住問了句
May I ask your name?
** 西男帶笑答
Thank you very much!!!