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剛才問了ChatGPT。我認真算了一下,wow, 才知道自己的那個TC竟多於$317,095 per year,妥妥的紐約州女性收入Top 1%。難怪那時我的男閨蜜說,我一個人可以買得起曼哈頓1.3M的房子如果付20%down。我剛上班就把他介紹進來了跟我一樣的TC。簡單的很,我就給hiring manager直接寫了一個推薦他的郵件就成了,賺了$4000。 這$4000還沒放進下麵的TC裏,不然就更多了。他幹的特別出色。剛上班沒到三個月,公司就主動給他漲了薪水。他當時都沒告訴我,是後來我辭職過了很久才告訴我的。後來他買了一個近4000sf的sfh房子,把紐約新買的公寓租出去了。他買那個公寓的時候,也鼓勵我買,但我那時特別想住那個60th街的新公寓,就決定沒買。也許那是一個錯誤的決定吧,錯過了那時的低房價低利率。

My TC (2022) = Base + sign-on + bonus + RSU + 401K match + HSA incentive + other cash benifit  >  $317,095


Me: What is the top 1% salary for female workers in New York State?


In New York State, the top 1% salary for female workers is approximately $317,095 per year. This figure is based on data from 2022, which also highlights the income disparity between genders, with the top 1% of male workers earning around $500,020 annually [oai_citation:1,Income by Sex: Average, Median, 1%, and Calculator – DQYDJ](https://dqydj.com/income-by-sex/) [oai_citation:2,Highlights of women's earnings in 2022 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics](https://www.bls.gov/opub/reports/womens-earnings/2022/home.htm). 

These numbers reflect the broader trend of income inequality, where women generally earn less than men across various percentiles and job types [oai_citation:3,Median weekly earnings of full‐time wage and salary workers by detailed occupation and sex :  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics](https://www.bls.gov/cps/cpsaat39.htm).

Me: What does salary include?


The salary of $317,095 for the top 1% of female workers in New York State includes all forms of compensation. This typically encompasses:

1. **Base Salary**: The fixed annual salary paid to the employee.
2. **Bonuses**: Any additional monetary compensation provided based on performance, company profits, or other criteria.
3. **Stock Options or Equity**: Compensation in the form of company shares or options to purchase shares at a discounted rate.
4. **Benefits**: Although not strictly salary, high compensation packages often include significant benefits such as health insurance, retirement contributions, and other perks.
5. **Other Financial Incentives**: This can include commissions, profit-sharing arrangements, or any other form of financial reward tied to the employee's performance or the company's success.

This total compensation package represents what is typically required to be in the top 1% income bracket for female workers in the state [oai_citation:1,Income by Sex: Average, Median, 1%, and Calculator – DQYDJ](https://dqydj.com/income-by-sex/) [oai_citation:2,Highlights of women's earnings in 2022 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics](https://www.bls.gov/opub/reports/womens-earnings/2022/home.htm).



然後呢?你買房了嗎?存了退休金了嗎?扯這些虛幻的東西幹嘛 -jiahao- 給 jiahao 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 00:20:43

我一直存最高那一檔的退休金catchup那個 -黃亦枚- 給 黃亦枚 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 00:24:30

唉,花無百日紅 -fuz- 給 fuz 發送悄悄話 fuz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 00:44:37

曾經1%過! -npoaks03橡樹- 給 npoaks03橡樹 發送悄悄話 (50 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 03:13:38

還有其他人在5*餐館請客的成本 -銅鑼燒- 給 銅鑼燒 發送悄悄話 銅鑼燒 的博客首頁 (167 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 03:43:02

哈哈:) -heka- 給 heka 發送悄悄話 heka 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 03:44:03

歎黃粱一夢傾廈而醒 -hehe96- 給 hehe96 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 03:50:00

誰都知道你的“字字屬實”是什麽意思lol -Urbandreamer- 給 Urbandreamer 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 03:59:16

哎呦我去,周五晚上彩票頭獎那2.5億咋不算進去呢,立馬鹹魚翻身 -太平猴魁- 給 太平猴魁 發送悄悄話 (167 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 04:00:33

你在算收入時不應把未實現的收入也加入,你在預期收入最高的2022的收入都沒有超過300K -YanNL- 給 YanNL 發送悄悄話 (643 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 04:08:15

若你真的不窮的話,至少在兒子暑假這三個月短租個大些的地方,不要再和19歲的兒子擠一個studio了! -YanNL- 給 YanNL 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 04:12:14

一針見血 -北美金花- 給 北美金花 發送悄悄話 北美金花 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 04:28:46

她不懂這些,在華人連401K都不知所雲(參見本帖的“catchup”,為什麽曬這個三個月的“大包裹”呢,因為沒有其它值得 -Urbandreamer- 給 Urbandreamer 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 05:40:25

好像都看過吧,這是複盤?我沒有見過用Total Package計算的,因為你第二年就不是這個了…純分享自己看法,勿砸,嗬嗬 -Lydia0108- 給 Lydia0108 發送悄悄話 Lydia0108 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 05:03:00

網紅的話聽聽就好。她在華人炫耀過這公司”超好的”福利,怎舍得主動離職?孩子大學學費怎麽辦? -隨意看看~- 給 隨意看看~ 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 05:11:57

備注:未得到的Total -Lydia0108- 給 Lydia0108 發送悄悄話 Lydia0108 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 05:05:00

要遠大理想加腳踏實地 -來來往往2020- 給 來來往往2020 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 05:09:13

膽子再大一點,商2000萬豪宅一個麵子,吃頓飯你就進入億萬富豪俱樂部了,還用計較什麽工資收入Top1%? -隨意看看~- 給 隨意看看~ 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 05:19:21

姐,年輕人都隻算base+ RSU +bonus, 在NY城裏這個真不是高薪,但也不錯 -washer1008- 給 washer1008 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 05:21:03

時過境遷,物是人非。還念念不忘?說這些有用嗎?有這工夫不如找個工作解決一下現在的困境。 -JAN2009- 給 JAN2009 發送悄悄話 JAN2009 的博客首頁 (93 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 05:57:10

可惜好景不長在。如果今天還拿那麽多,買房也不遲 -青柏- 給 青柏 發送悄悄話 青柏 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 06:10:36

看你這貼讓人開心。又開始啦? 這樣吧, 和川總一樣報一個2022年你付稅一共多少, 這裏的人就清楚你到底是百分之幾了 -我想有個花園- 給 我想有個花園 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2024 postreply 07:07:18
