美國的稅法規定工資以外的收入,比如獎金和傭金等等,算作 “supplemental wages". 無論多少,都是22%預扣稅率,除非有特殊的情況。到年底報稅的時候,再多退少補。
IRS Publication 15 describes several methods of calculating the federal income tax withholding on supplemental wages:
Combine the supplemental wages with the employee's regular wages, and withhold the federal income tax as if the total were a single payment for a regular payroll period.
Identify supplemental wages separately from regular wages and withhold a flat 22% (as of 2024).
If the supplemental wages are paid concurrently with regular wages, add the supplemental wages to the concurrently paid regular wages and calculate the tax withholding. You’ll add the wages together and withhold federal income tax as if the total of the regular wages and supplemental wages is a single payment for a regular payroll period. We’ll break down every step down below
美國稅法也沒有“based salary 超過20萬,沒資格投401k”的條款,隻規定無論任何收入水平,個人的contribution 加雇主match的最高上限,比如,2024年的上限是$69,000。50歲以上的,可以追加$7,500 catch-up contribution, 也就是上限可以提高到$76,500。某些公司可能規定base (not "based") salary 20萬以上的,雇主match的部分相應減少或沒有,但這個和“沒資格投401K”完全不是一回事,自稱“專業”的那位的專業知識也忒缺乏了點兒。
再說一遍吧,拿TC和offer package談收入的,都是自欺欺人。沒揣到兜裏的紙麵數字,都不算自己的 earned income. 唯一不能撒謊的,是自己的稅表最後的那個AGI (Adjusted Gross Income).
如果實在想看看自己的 earned income在美國相對的水平,可以用下麵這個計算器。