最近,他回來出差 17天,提出要在兒子家借住。兒子本來很不情願,寧可給他爸出 旅館錢。“多約幾次咖啡,吃飯都行,但這樣近距離,太別扭了。”
我,我的家人和朋友,都勸孩子, 應該讓他爸住。因為 這 15年,他出錢 我出力。我們要心存感激,有人情味。
I’m grateful dad provided for me financially
It’s hard to tithe. It shows how much he cares and loves me
He’s given me my education and provided for me happily
I’ll always be grateful. There’s true dedication and love behind it
But I’ve never known why he doesn’t want to be in my life
Why he doesn’t want to invest any time in the relationship
Why he doesn’t want to know me and parent me
He never wanted to hang out with me growing up
When we lived together he was never home
Never wanted to spend his time or attention on me
After I graduated it’s always me remembering to give him a quick call
2-3 minutes each time
We have nothing to talk about and he doesn’t make an effort
I forgive him and I love him
Loving him means im willing to give him another chance and build a relationship with him
But it needs to be at my pace
We need to build the relationship. If he wants to be in my life I will talk with him and we can get to know each other
But I am not a child still just always ready to trust him as a loving father
Jesus was loving but He was never a pushover or weak.
I prayed and God helped me figure out ^
平常 早睡早起的兒子,等他,還給爸爸煮了麵條。
今天,人家睡醒了,落地還沒 12小時,就 再次提設想了:
前夫 要帶著 他全家 到 我和孩子的社區生活。
我離婚 15年了。老大 上班,買了房子,跟我住前後樓。老二 上大學,他的願望也是 能有能力 在這個社區買房。
現在,前夫要帶他全家 回社區定居。
我和孩子 心裏挺膈應。是我們小氣嗎?
我們這個小社區,相對封閉。隻有一條主路,一條河邊路。我和孩子都喜歡在河邊散步 聊天。
是好區,對他們的孩子也便利(但同等條件的社區也不少, 我想他是懶得研究。)。
我不想 父子形同陌路。
住得這麽近,不顧孩子的感受,父子的心 就更遠了。