今天找了cleaning service, 可以網上booking,三個房間(一個房間不用打掃)四個衛生間,價格是$250。兩人兩個半小時。
來了兩個人,她們說衛生間有點髒,要加時。我問了她們的老板,說加80刀,作為deep clean。這裏有點miscommunication。 老板後來說他以為我們說的是隻加一個小時,而我以為不管加多少都是80刀。
這兩個人做得特別慢,以前我們家的cleaning service,兩人兩個半小時足夠了,誰知道她們做了五個半小時,更沒想到因此有了天價賬單。
- We cannot guarantee cleanings to be finished by a certain time. It depends on the scope of the work.
- If clients need the cleaners to be finished by a specific time it is the client’s responsibility to inform the company before cleaning begins.