



The scope of privacy law is often limited to situations where there is a ‘reasonable expectation of privacy’. This means that someone wouldn't necessarily violate another person’s rights if they take a photo of them while on a public transportation system or in a different public setting, although they would do so if they were to hack their phone and steal private images. 

Even if the publication of images of you is not covered by privacy law, you can take legal action if they are published in a defamatory way. 

If someone takes photos or videos you made and shares them without your permission, this could be an infringement of your copyright in those works. In this case, you can also take legal action. 

For more information, read How can video recordings break the law. Read How to run an influencer business to find out more about becoming an influencer. If you have any questions or concerns about making or appearing in a viral video, do not hesitate to Ask a lawyer.
