how to prolong the lithium-ion battery life

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Lithium-ion batteries is almost everywhere nowadays, in your phone, in your laptop. According to the link below,

The typical estimated life of a Lithium-Ion battery is about two to three years or 300 to 500 charge cycles, whichever occurs first. One charge cycle is a period of use from fully charged, to fully discharged, and fully recharged again.


Please notice that 300 to 500 charge cycles or 2 to 3 years are not the maximum life of a lithium-ion battery. There are many factors which could prolong the life of your lithium-ion batteries. (I have a Compaq laptop bought in 2005, right now the battery is still working, though I did not pay a particular attention to how to prolong its battery life. Depending on the makers, my Lenovo laptop’s battery died in 3 years).


If you don’t use your lithium-battery, a shelf life, which could be called, will be at least 10-12 years. (I have recorded the daily voltage drop of a lithium-ion for more than 10 years, there is not much drop from the initial voltage).



How to prolong the life of lithium-ion batteries? There are links below.

  1. How to prolong lithium based batteries:

  1. How to charge and when to charge:

  1. Summary of do’s and don’ts:


The following conclusions are based on links above:


  1. Partial charge better than a full charge
  2. Operate in SoC (state of charge) between 30-80%
  3. Deep discharge wears the battery down
  4. Store in cool place partially charged
  5. Do not charge below freezing
  6. Do not charge above 50°C (122°F)
  7. Rapid charge in 3 hours is recommended
  8. Fast charge in 1 hours is avoided