“The fall of that year”
The fall of that year
I take you to see the mountains
Road ups and downs
Mountains hides and appears
Maple leaves is brilliant
I accompany you all the way
My mood is also brilliant
The winter of that year
I take you to see the snow
Snow laden winter clouds
The sky is one color
All where silent and peaceful
I accompany you all the way
My mood is also silent and peaceful
The summer of that year
I take you to see the sea
Seagull flying
Sky blue
The see is open and wide
I accompany you all the way
My mood is also open and wide
The spring of that year
I take you to see the flowers
Rain drizzles
Wind breeze
Butterfly is flying
I accompany you all the way
My mood is also flying
This fall
It's your birthday
I'll accompany you again
Watch the mountains
The water
The maple leaves
And old friends...
(Happy wife, happy life!)