我是有點懷疑。 但是還是真心的給你提個醒。如果你真的是找到了真愛,為什麽不趕緊和你老公離婚?離婚後你可以和真愛結婚。你的真愛是富翁,我覺得他的social security肯定是最高額。好像你現在不工作了。隻有配偶才可以拿到他的social security. 還有就是婚後的收入就是夫妻雙方的共同收入。所以怎麽算都應該是結婚合算。年齡不小了,也要為自己的退休做打算。
The timeline for the community begins as soon as you are married and only ends in divorce or death. Under community property law, any property and income acquired during marriage are presumed to belong to the “community”, or both of you, equally (50/50), except property acquired by gift or inheritance.