我女兒在主幹道上,一輛車從路旁的小區出來,這個路口沒有紅綠燈,他那邊有stop sign,他拐上來,沒看見我女兒,T bone了我們左後門,他是右前方撞了。車禍後,雙方都沒下車,開到旁邊的一個路邊,打電話喊警察。警察來了後,先問的對方,他給警察說他在路的左道,我女兒在右道,我女兒換道,把他撞了。警察給誰也沒有開罰單。我們沒有dash cam (後悔死了,昨天趕快買了).在nextdoor上找witness,有個人給我們發text說:
My husband and I were walking along Road A yesterday just before the accident. While we didn’t witness the accident, we did have to walk behind the black suv sitting in the cross walk of Neiborhood A blocking the cross walk. We heard the accident and turned around to see that the black car had entered Road A and hit a gray car (our car) which was pushed to the right likely due to impact. Both cars put on flashers and then slowly traveled to the entrance of Neighborhood B in the right lane. It seemed odd to us as we saw the vehicles stopped that the black vehicle driver didn’t get out to check and see that the occupants of the car they hit were ok….the other driver was definitely entering the roadway and should have yielded to your daughter.