
“Chinese leaders, I think that they will acknowledge immediately that if over a billion Chinese citizens have the same living patterns as Australians and Americans do right now, then all of us will have a very miserable time. The planet just cannot sustain us. So they understand that they've got to make a decision about a new model that is more sustainable and that allows them to pursue the economic growth they have pursued.”


我以前看過視頻,意思不是這樣的,你有視頻鏈接嗎,我現在找不到了 -akuan- 給 akuan 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/28/2023 postreply 17:34:27

真是無語 -古安- 給 古安 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/28/2023 postreply 17:38:30

什麽有語無語,有鏈接我就再聽一遍 -akuan- 給 akuan 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/28/2023 postreply 17:49:52
