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整整一個世紀前,歐洲大陸剛剛結束了第一次世界大戰的血雨腥風。戰爭前,經過“鐵血宰相”俾斯麥數十年卓有成效的經營,德意誌帝國外接連贏得戰爭勝利,在內完成了政治統一和經濟 發展,在確立了歐陸霸主的地位,世界矚目,群雄側足,似乎再沒有人能阻擋後起的德意誌帝國的崛起之勢。但是,威廉二世繼位,俾斯麥下台,皇帝親政,隨後德國陷入長達四年的慘烈“一戰”並最終戰敗,遭受了自“三十年戰爭“以來最為沉重的打擊,從上升的高峰直墜穀底。德國這一段盛衰經曆在 近代史上具有標本性的典型意義,值得同處於崛起期的中國借鑒深思。



















首先,國家必須始終清醒地把握國際格局並在此基礎上製定正確的外交戰略,盡量讓自己處於有利一方。就一戰前的歐陸而言,德法俄英奧是五大強國。其中,德法對立是無可改變的事實,德奧是盟友,英國和俄國則是足以用來平衡甚至左右歐陸格局的兩枚重要砝碼,也是德國外交行動的主要著力點。以威廉二世為首的德國決策層卻在對英、俄關係上都犯下嚴重失誤,在對英關係進展尚不明朗的時候,就貿然放棄對俄關係,隨後又與英交惡,拱手將這兩枚砝碼送給法國。 國亡思良相,威廉二世晚年在回憶錄中又想起了俾斯麥的外交藝術。他說德法俄英奧五國間的合縱連橫,在俾斯麥運作下,就像拋球雜耍一般。而俾斯麥,好似一位偉大的雜技家,他不但總能讓三個球組成一方居於上風,更重要的是,他能讓德國始終位於這多數的三個球當中。






How did the "Belt and Road" and "stop the martial arts" of 120 years ago evolve into a world war?

A century ago, the European continent had just ended the bloody hurricane of the First World War. Before the war, after several years of fruitful operation by the "iron and blood prime minister" Bismarck, the German empire won the war victory, completed the political unification and economic development, established the status of the European hegemon, the world's attention, the heroes, it seems No one can stop the rise of the German Empire. However, William II succeeded to the throne, Bismarck stepped down, the emperor pro-governance, and then Germany fell into a fierce "first-war" for four years and eventually defeated, suffering the most severe blow since the "Thirty Years War", from the rising peak Straight to the bottom. This period of ups and downs in Germany has the typical meaning of specimens in modern history, and it is worthwhile to learn from China in the rising period.

Let us first briefly understand the rise of Germany and Germany. As a late country, Germany quickly emerged from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, and achieved remarkable results in various fields.

Politically, in 1871 Bismarck promoted the completion of the German unification movement, defeated Denmark, Austria, and France, and took the throne of the top military in Europe. Economically, compared with the industrialization of Britain and France, Germany showed "late, fast, thorough". The characteristics of the railway construction as the thrust, driving the development of heavy industry, especially the coal, steel industry, and the emerging industry in the second industrial revolution - the chemical and electrical industry to take the lead. At the beginning of the 20th century, Germany quickly realized the economic "catch-up of the British super-law". Although the total amount is still not as good as that of the United States, the quality is better.

Militaryly, through the military reform of the Prussian military strategist Shaen Horst in the early 19th century, Germany created the "general staff" system of the military brain and the "mobility system" of all the people, achieving efficient command and armed forces, and established A powerful people's army with the Prussian regular army as its core, the reserve and the militia. The main opponent of the united war, the French army, although it was as large as 400,000, and had practical experience in the wars in Crimea and Mexico, still lost to the Germans.

Diplomacy, Bismarck is like writing a rigorous academic paper to generally arrange the German diplomatic landscape, and implement the strategy of keeping a low profile. After 1871, Bismarck established a continental system centered on Germany, established the German-Olympian alliance, and isolated the feud of France, and excluded it from European affairs. In addition, in education and science and technology, the Humboldt brothers began education reform, the modern university system gradually formed, and the vocational education system became more and more perfect. German scientists became the indisputable protagonist of the second industrial revolution. At the same time, Bismarck also advocated the social insurance system as a means of dissolving social contradictions and enhancing social stability. The results have been remarkable and have been used to this day.

However, 20 years after the reform, with the pro-government of William II in 1888, the German miracle that shocked the world came to an abrupt end.

After Wilhelm II took power, he was eager to promote Germany from the European powers to world hegemony, discarding the diplomatic strategy set by the Bismarck era, and ignoring the arrogance, prohibiting any deliberation, and eventually brewing bitter wine. It is reflected in the following aspects:

First of all, Germany’s irreconcilable conflict with the United Kingdom on colonial expansion and naval development eventually pushed Britain to the opposite. The British Empire was the world’s first hegemonic country at the time. The relationship with Britain was the focus of William II’s diplomatic line. He hoped to bind Britain and allow the British and German economies to integrate closely to offset the deterioration of relations with Russia and promote the European Power Center. Return to Germany. He himself is the grandson of Queen Victoria, who spent his time in the UK as a teenager, with natural and good conditions.

However, due to the industrial development at that time, there was an urgent need to export products to the outside world, and the demand for colonies in Germany was increasing. In addition, at that time, the West set off an imperialist frenzy that divided the world, and Germany was not far behind. But at that time, the colonial hegemony of the world was in the hands of the British. The right to settle the world's commodities was also in the hands of the British Empire. The British pound became the world's hard currency and became the tool for the British Empire to harvest the world's wool. Germany’s pursuit of the colony had to challenge the international currency settlement status of the pound. Touching the settlement of the pound, it naturally touches the core interests of the UK. What makes the consequences even worse is that William II’s struggle for the colonies is always a playful and aggressive approach. For example, the Samoa Islands in the Pacific Ocean were originally owned by Germany, the United States and Britain. William II tried to run away from the United States and Britain, and the other was monopolized. In South Africa, the United Kingdom hopes to acquire two Boer (Dutch immigrants) countries. Germany has added a barrier. These contradictions have clouded a thick cloud of English-German relations.

William II, who grew up in Britain and was very envious of the British ship, also realized the importance of the navy. At that time, Germany passed two naval bills. The first bill aims to guarantee the dominance of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, and the second aims to establish a distant ocean naval to compete for global ocean dominance. The logic of Germany is that the ocean on earth is large enough to be equally divided between Britain and Germany. Germany has tried to develop the navy at full speed with the accumulated economic strength and industrial base, and to make dumplings under various main battleships in order to achieve the goal of "going to the martial arts." On the surface, the Germans claim that there must be good discussions between the countries. If they do not resort to force or threaten by force, countries should adhere to equal consultations, improve the crisis communication mechanism, strengthen regional security cooperation, and promote the settlement of sea-related differences. It is to ask the United Kingdom to let it go to its own expansion and not to use force. This has touched the traditional maritime hegemony, Britain's most sensitive nerve, making it deeply felt that its core advantages are directly threatened by Germany. Because the logic of the British Empire is that unless Germany recognizes the hegemony of the British Empire, it is provoking war. In desperation, the British tried to negotiate with Germany, and even hinted that Germany, as long as Germany is willing to limit the naval strength, the United Kingdom will keep a distance from France and Russia, but William II's asking price is too high, the pursuit is to turn the North Sea into Germany's inner lake, This makes the British really unacceptable. In 1912, the United Kingdom also sent a negotiating group to Berlin, but Germany’s tough attitude did not retreat. It insisted on developing the navy, insisting on challenging the British maritime hegemony in the North Sea and the entire Atlantic Ocean, and missing the last chance to reconcile with the United Kingdom. The naval competition has intensified.

For Germany, hostility to the UK is fatal. After the war began, the Germans soon tasted the bitterness of being against the British. The powerful navy of English became a weapon to block the German estuary. The products could not be sold, and the food, raw materials and energy could not be transported, and the Germans could not help. . Moreover, the British participation in the war has become an important incentive for Italy and the United States to finally declare war on Germany. In particular, the United States’ participation in the war has crushed Germany’s last hope.

Second, changing the strategy of goodwill toward Russia led to the evil between Russia and Russia. Russia is a big country close to the eastern border of Germany. The relationship with Russia is a key factor in determining the strategic environment of Germany. It has been proven in history that in the early Napoleonic wars of the early 19th century, Prussia was defeated to a near-dead country. Even the national symbol, the statue of Victory on the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, was taken down by the French and transported back to Paris. With the effective resistance of Russia, Napoleon’s squadron fell to Moscow, and Prussia won the respite and struggled to regain the country. In 1871, the important external conditions of German reunification were also Russian non-interference. For this reason, in the mainland system formulated by Bismarck, the friendliness of Russia is the basic principle of Germany, in order to achieve the purpose of "East and West War", that is, to maintain the stability of the backyard of Germany, and to deal with the main opponent of the West, France. The result of this strategy is reflected in the three-year "Reinsurance Treaty" signed by Germany and Russia in 1887. According to the treaty, Russia needs to maintain its neutral status when France invades Germany. To this end, Bismarck does not hesitate to give Russia a lot of benefits in other aspects. At the same time, the savvy Bismarck is also deeply acquainted with the diplomatic means of "giving one hand and getting it back". He secretly uses other countries to restrict the expansion of Russian power and enjoy the name of good neighborliness without compromising his own truth.

After William II became a pro-government, he abandoned Bismarck’s mainland system and alienated Russia. He chose to support Austria in the conflict between Austria and Russia in Bulgaria and the Balkans. In 1890, based on its own interests, Russia hoped to renew the Reinsurance Treaty for six years, but William Germany refused. All kinds of actions forced Russia to turn to seek an alliance with France.

Germany's ambitious construction of the German version of the "Belt", namely the "3B Railway", that is, Berlin - Byzantium (Istanbul) - Baghdad Railway, invading the traditional sphere of influence between Britain and Russia in the Near East and the Middle East, and becoming the direct guide to the alliance of Britain, France and Russia Fire rope. Finally, in 1904, Britain and Russia signed a treaty in 1907, and the Allies system was formed. At this point, before the start of the First World War, Germany had fallen into the east with Russia, the west with France, and the sea channel faced the strategic threat of the British threat, and it has already returned to the sky without a battle.

Finally, in the response to the fuse of the First World War, the "Sarajevo Incident", the German policy makers also had serious strategic misjudgments.

On June 28, 1914, the Serbs assassinated the Emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Austria and Hungary want to seek revenge, Serbia is not solid, but its protectorate is Russia that Austria and Hungary can not afford. Therefore, Austro-Hungarian sought German support. On the key issue of whether Russia will send troops to aid, the German decision-making head headed by William II made a rash conclusion. The reason is that Austria and Hungary can win fast against Serbia. Serbia can only insist on two attacks. Zhou will not leave time for Russia to intervene. Moreover, as a monarchy, it is estimated that the Russian tsar will not oppose the punishment of murdering the royal family. In addition, at this time, Austria and Hungary are almost the only allies that Germany can rely on in Europe and must be supported. More importantly, German policymakers believe that war will be partial. In the end, Germany gave Austria and Hungary a blank check to support the war and let it fill it out.

However, the subsequent event process and the reaction of the Allies have far exceeded Germany's expectations. First of all, the Austro-Hungarian operation was slow, and it missed the favorable period in which international public opinion denounced Serbia. The note sent to Serbia was extremely inferior and rational, and it became unreasonable. Russia then made a clear statement that Austrian-Hungarians were not allowed to enter Serbia, and France also announced that it would send troops according to the agreement. The British proposal to hold an international conference to negotiate a crisis in London was rejected. Eventually, it was necessary to say that if Germany sent troops to support Austria and Hungary, then Britain would also participate in the war. The war was on the verge of exploding, and the German-Australian alliance was clearly in a disadvantaged position. At this time, Germany was anxious to do the work of all parties, but it was obviously "striking", not to stop the Austrian-Hungarians pressing the button of declaration of war, but to persuade Russia not to intervene. Eventually the mediation failed, and a protracted European civil war with more than 16 million deaths broke out.

The German people who suffered from the war suffered an uprising at the end of the war. William II fled and the once radiant "Second Empire" entered the historical tomb. After the war, Germany was forced to sign the "Versailles Contract". Not only did all the colonies be deprived, but the navy that developed the power of the whole country before the war was almost completely destroyed. The hateful Mars was deeply hidden, until about half a year later, when Nazi Germany emerged, it sprang from the ground and burned even more fierce battles around the world.

After reviewing this history and taking the diplomatic situation facing China as the starting point, the lessons we can learn from the mistakes of the German diplomatic strategy before the First World War mainly include the following aspects:

First of all, the state must always clearly grasp the international situation and formulate a correct diplomatic strategy on this basis, and try to make itself in a favorable side. As far as the European Union before World War I, Germany, France and Russia were the five powers. Among them, the German-French opposition is an unchangeable fact. Germany and Austria are allies. The United Kingdom and Russia are two important weights that can be used to balance and even influence the European landscape. It is also the main focus of German diplomatic action. The German decision-making head, led by William II, made serious mistakes in the relations between Britain and Russia. When the progress of relations with Britain was still unclear, he rashly abandoned his relations with Russia, and then he succumbed to the British. Two weights were given to France. In the memoirs of William II, William II remembered the diplomatic art of Bismarck in his later years. He said that the combination of the five countries of Germany, France, Russia and the United Kingdom, under the operation of Bismarck, is like throwing a ball. Bismarck, like a great acrobat, not only allows the three players to have the upper hand, but more importantly, he can keep Germany in the majority of the three balls.

 Similarly, as far as the current Eurasia is concerned, China, Japan, the United States, Europe and Russia are the five powers. The Sino-Japanese confrontation is unchangeable. China and Russia are allies, and the United States and the European Union are enough to balance or even influence the European landscape. Two important weights are also the main focus of China's diplomatic actions. China and Europe can't rush to give up their relations with Europe when the progress of relations with the United States is still unclear. Then they will succumb to the United States and hand over the two weights to Japan.

Second, you need to treat your allies with the right attitude. In the Sarajevo incident, Germany did not impose the necessary restrictions on Austrian-Hungarian in its own camp. Instead, it made a short check and contributed to his wrong behavior. As a result, he was dragged down and tied to the chariot. In relations with Russia, China must also grasp the distance to Russia and not be dragged down by Russia on the Ukrainian, Syrian, and Crimean issues.

Once again, emerging powers should face the existing international pattern and traditional powers. They should not directly confront each other. Instead, they should follow the trend and see the opportunities. The development and prosperity of the country is built by itself, not by external struggles or by bickering. The lessons that Germany before the First World War eagerly challenged the traditional powers and ruined the situation well, it is worth keeping in mind. On the road to the rise of emerging powers, the biggest danger is always in itself, and it is most important that you do not make mistakes. The rise of the moment depends on making a difference. In the long run, it needs more. At present, China's various direct challenges to the US dollar as an international settlement currency, such as the internationalization of the renminbi and the prevention of wool harvesting in the United States, are no different from William's eager attempt to seize the colony. The move to try to separate the EU countries and seize the EU's cutting-edge manufacturing status through the Industrial 2025 plan is no different from that of William Germany's abandonment of relations with Russia. The behavior of Daxu to build a modern navy, air force and hypersonic water drifting bombs is also the same as that of Germany’s rashly launching a competition with the British shipbuilding competition. In these matters, China must control itself and stop these unrealistic risks. What China should do is to speed up reforms, implement financial liberalization, abandon state capitalism,  abandon industrial plans 2025 and protect intellectual property rights.


把當時德國人比作現在的中國人,貼金了。 -尚文- 給 尚文 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/25/2019 postreply 12:57:14

真老虎vs.紙老虎 -oztang- 給 oztang 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/25/2019 postreply 23:47:46



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