US cancels trade planning meeting with China, source says
The White House rejected a trade planning meeting with Chinese counterparts this week due to outstanding disagreements between the two sides over the enforcement of intellectual property rules.
Officials from the U.S. trade representative's office were set to meet with two Chinese vice ministers this week to try to resolve trade differences before the March 1 deadline, but the meeting was called off, a source familiar with the situation confirmed to CNBC's Kayla Tausche.
Should Beijing and Washington fail to agree on a permanent solution, President Donald Trump has said he will reinforce punitive tariffs on roughly half of all Chinese exports to the U.S.
Asked for comment, the White House told CNBC that "the teams remain in touch in preparation for high level talks with Vice Premier Liu He at the end of this month." The Treasury Department and the U.S. trade representative's office did not respond to requests for comment.
One source suggested that talks may still happen over the phone, but the termination of the in-person visit signals that reaching a complete agreement beyond the basic tenants of the Group of 20 truce will be difficult. China offered to boost its imports from the U.S. for six years, officials familiar with the matter told CNBC last week, though how any such promise would be enforced remains uncertain.
Chinese officials made the offer during negotiations in Beijing earlier in January, Bloomberg News reported. China would increase its annual import of U.S. goods by a combined value of more than $1 trillion, the officials told Bloomberg, which was the first to report on the import boost offer.
"I would kind of characterize negotiations as generally moving in the right direction. Last week, China offered a fig leaf in lowering tariff rates and agreed to import a trillion dollars of U.S. goods by 2024," said Joseph Lupton, global economist at J.P. Morgan.
Trade negotiations between Washington and Beijing have stretched for months amid a tit-for-tat dispute. Both countries have slapped tariffs on billions of dollars worth of each others' goods. The White House put tariffs of 10 percent on $200 billion of Chinese products in September and at the time threatened to increase the levy to 25 percent by the start of 2019.
The two nations late last year agreed to halt additional tariffs as they engage in new trade talks with the goal of reaching an agreement before the March deadline following Trump's meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Argentina.
"I think there's a lot of posturing going on. Trump's tweeting the China numbers are weak, they better make a deal quick," Lupton added. "I think a lot of that posturing is what's taking place here but beneath the surface both sides see a need to get some sort of deal here. It's just a matter of spinning it as a win for the two sides."
— CNBC's Patti Domm contributed reporting.
但是,道義禁運並不是不禁運。如果日本野心勃勃的擴張欲望,衝破了美國所能忍受的底線,美國是不會讓日本滿意的。1941年6月25日到7月2日,日本做出了決定命運的選擇,暫時不動蘇聯一根毫毛,集中精力向南進攻,特別是爭取控製整個印度支 那,奪取荷屬印度群島,這恰恰觸犯了美國忍受的底線。
1941年7月28日,當日本占領戰領法屬印度支 那時,美國宣布對日本進行經濟製裁,凍結日本在美國內的所有財產,包括實行石油禁運。英國和荷蘭也紛紛效仿,英國切斷了婆羅洲向日本的石油供應;美國說服荷蘭東印度公司暫停向橫濱和長崎運送石油。在日本國會中,首相宣稱這種情勢無法忍受,全國的陸海軍即將缺油。