習近平never said:"我爸是習鋼! 我是流氓,我怕誰?!" He is much worse.

來源: Euro-dollar 2019-01-15 11:56:53 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1369 bytes)

習近平never said:"我爸是習鋼! 我是流氓,我怕誰?!" He is actually much worse and trickier.

Xi Jinping always claims that all he did is for the people. He changed the consitution for his own power, but he claimed it is for the people.

Xi Jinping arrested many people in the name of anti-corruption, and claimed that it is for the people.

Xi Jinping is a real liar. The worst part is some people strongly believe that Xi Jinping is the only hope of China.

I am not afraid how bad Xi Jinping is, but I am concerning why so many people can believe in Xi Jinping.

If more and more people are awake, Xi Jinping's day will be over quickly.



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