美國人網上對,華盛頓郵報攻擊孔子學院文章的留言 (該文引用很多美國政界包括FBI局長在國會的證詞)

來源: nyg 2018-02-19 17:41:15 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (182915 bytes)

Waking up to China’s infiltration of American colleges:https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/waking-up-to-chinas-infiltration-of-american-colleges/2018/02/18/99d3bee8-13f7-11e8-9570-29c9830535e5_story.html?utm_term=.644e20025cbe&wpisrc=nl_most&wpmm=1
Waking up to China’s infiltration of American colleges



21st Century will be the Chinese century, just as the 20th was American. We'd better get used to that idea. tRump has already ceded leadership on several issues. And Trumpanzees would be happy to sit here at home, hiding behind the big wall, while Home-Grown Domestic Terrorists pick us off like fish in a barrel
Josh; you make a lot of assumptions in this piece, but (other than saying "FBI Director Christopher A. Wray articulated those concerns in testimony last week before the Senate Intelligence Committee.") this is all 'be afraid, be very afraid' commentary....

How about some facts? I don't see any...

Please don't take us for FOX viewers.... we're better than that and expect better from a piece in the WaPo!
Why should Chinese influence be "combated"? I've read some of that Chinese propaganda. Any thinking American should be absorbing more that Chinese influence, not less. They're trying to build a better, more inclusive, world. All the USA is building is a bigger and bigger WAR MACHINE.
Oh, please! And trying to build a better, more inclusive world, tell that to the native Tibetans who are being displaced by Chinese brought in to "Hanize" that formerly independent nation. They are trying to build a more Chinese world . . . and what's inclusive about that?
We do the same thing but not the same way. We have 350,000 Chinese students studying in the U.S. A five fold increase over the last ten years. So I'd say there's a lot more US university influence on China than the other way. No there are no "freedom institutes" in China. Actually I think we need some here in America, the way free speech is being openly restricted even in the classroom.
Confucius is a ancient philosopher lived in 500BC, his idea on respecting parents,as well as taking care of parent in their senior years could significantly reduce cost of govement spending on senior care. Link Confucius of 2500 years old with Chinese govement spy is stupid.

Confucius is a philosophy class in many countries, long before the Chinese govement sponsored school.

Also, if you check the number of publications in top scientific magazines and how faster the number grows, you could conclude we may need to send students learn in China soon.

Conclusion is this is a false alarm based on Cold War thinking and over estimated us share on technology. I would say with strong economic growth, lots of technologies can be bought from countries such as Ukraine or European countries
Over and over I see the argument that "we do the same thing". Really? In China? American Universities that have gone into China have been censored, and often driven out. I would love to see the Chinese to give permission for any institution in the US to set up "freedom institutes" in 100 Chinese universities. Its more likely I will see a panda bear fly.
Unfortunately, the Republican party at the state and national level has fought against sufficient funding for our universities for decades. They have actively worked to cut state support through grants (like Pell Grants) and through state allocations.

For example, in NC, where the state constitution requires that the "public universities be free to all residents" to the greatest extent possible -- but where the state Republican legislature and governor have cut funding to the point that tuition is out of reach for 50% to 60% of North Carolina students, and therefore an institution like Western Carolina University accepts a $5 or $10 million grant from the KOCH BROTHERS to create a "business and freedom institute" to promote capitalism -- without any study of the community responsibilities of businesses, or the way American businesses have welshed on their legal commitments and contracts to fund pensions, etc. etc. In fact, the Koch foundation people not only wrote the job descriptions for "professors," they have final say over hiring them. At a PUBLIC university that is supposed to be PUBLICLY funded.

So until we throw the right-wing, "I-love-the-poorly-educated" Republicans out of office in all fifty states and from both houses of Congress and from the White House, and elect pro-education Democrats to all offices, there will be pathetic university presidents and chancellors (like Margaret Spelling, who was installed as president of the UNC system by the NC legislature after her spectacularly failed "No Child Left Behind" leadership under Dubya Bush) who will drop their pants at the drop of a dime to get Chinese money.
I am finding myself waking up to a fear, a fear that all Chinese Americans will be branded as spies for China. In the western society using China as the whipping boy is totally acceptable and welcomed because the permeated view is that anything from “communist” China is controlling and bad. Anything positive regarding China is manipulated by the “Chinese Communist Government” and is categorically evil. I can’t believe that the western media “naivete” themselves into promoting a black and white world in which there is absolute good and evil governments. To me there are just good leaders and bad leaders regardless of the political systems they operate in. This uncontrolled hysteria about the rising influence of China around the world and the losing of world leadership by the US can give rise to McCarthyism and send a negative message to the overwhelming, average Chinese Americans who are law-biding and contributing members of society that we are not welcome here.
We are not heading into, rather we ARE already in a "long-term strategic competition" with China. Be very careful!
This article strikes a very sinister note, but makes no actual allegations at all. These institutes have the long term goal of fostering a pro-China attitude? Doesn't the United States have the same goal with our Fulbright scholarship program? We are becoming more and more xenophobic and distrustful of "alien" philosophies. If we think these Institutes are spreading a "false" image of China (the article never explains just what that is) isn't the answer more speech and more campus discusssion rather than kicking folks off campus? The Cold War is over, folks. Don't try to bring it back with borderline racist "sinister Oriental" tropes.
From the tone of this article, I thought it would present evidence that Confucius Institutes harbor trained Chinese intelligence agents who are stealing our diplomatic or military secrets. But what is the article actually about? Chinese centers keeping tabs on students from their own country, not spying on our government. Oh, and (gasp!) these centers are also trying to provide positive PR for China. Oh, the horror! It's the Yellow Menace!

This article is pure paranoia, bordering on racism. It talks about "Chinese efforts to subvert free societies," "Faustian bargains" (which, technically, would imply that China is the Devil), and "spying outposts," then presents nothing of the sort.

True, China should not be keeping tabs on Chinese students when these students are in the US. China should let things in the US be done the American way, with free speech and openness.

And in return, the US should let things in China be done the Chinese way -- but we don't even consider this. Instead of letting China follow its own cultural norms, which it has had for thousands of years, we demand that they do everything our way. And, we tell China to do as we say, not as we do. We don't lead by example. So, if we think China should stop using capital punishment, we say their use of capital punishment violates human rights. Meanwhile, *we* use capital punishment.

China has the world's largest population and is rapidly becoming the second most powerful country in the world. The US has *real* enemies to deal with, such as ISIS and their allies, who actually *do* want to destroy us. We have better things to do than pick a totally unnecessary fight with one of the most powerful countries in the world. When I attended a conference in Beijing (jointly sponsored by the US and Chinese governments) , a Chinese official there said, "China has long wanted to be the friend of the US. But the US has not reciprocated." Maybe it's time we reciprocated.
“Their goal is to exploit America’s academic freedom to instill in the minds of future leaders a pro-China viewpoint,” said Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), co-chair of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China. “It’s smart. It’s a long-term, patient approach.”

I would say that in your case, they were highly successful.
Dear Josh; Please realize that our president sold us out to the Russians for money. Are you really this bothered by Chinese contracts? Just great...try explaining this stuff to Gary Abernathy. If the folks in Ohio are worried I'll start to pay attention.
So the Chinese are spending lots of cash to buy influence in the USA. Russia is smarter; they only needed to buy one guy with a peepee tape.
Your security concerns are a day late and a dollar short. Worried about Chinese "spying" in our Universities? Why spy?
Chinese students have been attending them for decades. More to the point, U.S. corporations voluntarily, and with malice to American workers aforethought, have transferred American high tech knowledge and manufacturing methods and equipment to China.

And if folks are really worried about the Chinese funding "Confucius Institutes", end the GOP war on education, teachers, and science and fund higher education.
>end the GOP war on education, teachers, and science and fund higher education......................This
The people in the USA better get used to the Chinese explosion of immigration all over the world. Whether it's in British Columbia, California, New Zealand, Italy, and many other countries, the Chinese are invading the entire world due to a population explosion. And, they have money, so they can afford to purchase properties most American can no longer afford. Whole sections of cities now belong to the Chinese. Seems as though we went through this before. They are hard working, smart, and persistent. Asians in general were by far the best students in my chemistry classes.

It's a whole new world out there.
they have money, so they can afford to purchase properties most American can no longer afford....................Vancouver BC found this out, and now has Zero affordable housing, as the Mega Millionaire Mainlanders snap everything up and leave it vacant for a few years, while the price doubles or triples. New Zealand is considering legislation to prevent foreigners from purchasing existing homes
Finally, the West is waking up to the cultural chasm between Eastern values and Western values... maybe? We will lose what Greece won at Platea.
China has been in it for the long haul for well over 5,000 years. a massive diaspora of Chinese whose insular value system and tribal focus conspire to retain these values and spread family tentacles throughout the world is primarily aimed at diversification of financial and social assets. But, the core cultural grid-map remains the same. They do not assimilate. And, are passively spreading their views as the government of China is actively propagating theirs in the learning centers that they so aggressively send their own students, officially and unofficially. This starts at the grade school level and extends through university. Chinese money floats most U.S. trophy schools now. The Chinese follow the money, and their hierarchical, top down social structure follows. We fought the East-West war at Thermopylae, Salamis and Marathon and are individuals and democratic first because of this. We are losing the second round in subtle, but inexorable ways that our collective naivete and willful ignorance is ill-equipped to combat. The Chinese are sopping up the critical future natural resources, exporting masses of humanity to labor in other countries, trading brilliantly to accumulate the foreign cash to buy America's assets, absorb missing knowhow and technology by providing the cheap labor, then cheap engineering as a foothold to absorb entire industries.
Our culture-shaping institutions... high schools and universities? We will soon be taught to conform, obey, submit, and live the Confucian Way.
We will soon decide whether to stand up to that lone tank in Tiananmen Square. Is our Statue of Liberty made of paper mache? Wake up America!
No. One thing we require at the university is credible references for our claims.
As you note, China has been around for 5000 years. And, they haven't taken over the world yet. I really don't think they want to. The Chinese government has its hands full governing the 1.4 billion-or-so people within its borders. And the Chinese people historically haven't had much interest in what happens outside of East Asia.

So, yes China consumes a lot of resources (although far less per person than the US), and yes, they are tough economic competitors. But wanting to force their culture on us, no. (Although the US does, in fact, try to force its culture on China.)

Stop being so afraid of other people. There are over seven billion of them in the world, and most of them want to get along with us.
He is not afraid of other people per se; he is simply afraid of other people who work hard, educate their children, value their families, obey the laws of the nation and make something of themselves. Can't have that now can we?
Ahem, they don't assimulate? Are you illiterate or just dumb? Take a look at Wikepedia, "prominent Chinese-Americans". US Navy Vice Admirals, State Senators, Scientists, Doctors, you name it, people who were born and educated in America who worked hard to make something of themselves. Something I gather you know little about or maybe you just happen to be too lazy to care. Or maybe you agree with people like Senator Marco Rubio whose ignorance is a byword; the man who stated publicly he believed the world was created 4,000 years ago. Or maybe you agree with people like Josh Rogin, the author of this column. Better to be stupid that allow your children to learn about foreign countries and languages, after all they might get taken in because after all children are not very smart about the ways of the world. We just send them to universities to earn a kind of union card for high paying jobs; it doesn't matter if they learn anything along the way.
Best to listen to those Policemen trying to keep America safe from foreign influences. After all if we allow Confucius Institutes on college campuses we don't want our students to recognize that they offer more than the college does. No Siree Bob! Too much book learnin' just ain't good for Americans. Look at our President.
Yellow Peril Journalism is the best one can say about this infomercial.
Hear, hear!
This strikes me as a non-issue. Yes, the Chinese are probably trying to influence Americans. America does similar things around the world - think Fulbright scholarships. So do the British - think Rhodes scholars (including at least one former US president).

No big deal.
No mention here of the hundreds of millions of dollars wealthy industrialists and other moneyed interests pour into colleges and universities to influence the thinking of impressionable college students. Massive sums are spent on various "free market" think tanks and academic programs with the specific intent encouraging students to embrace supply-side economic policies and to reject any form of government regulation of the economy. These policies just happen to favor the interests of the wealthy corporations and individuals that fund these entities.
Isn't THAT an attempt to influence how the next generation thinks too?
For those who have actually been to a university and taken serious courses, the information provided is commonly main-stream and well-researched. You can find journals in the various subjects at the university libraries and a little study there will quickly make it clear that political bias is not much of a problem.

Certainly, there are instructors with political bias and if you prefer that bias you can take those courses.
The influence on college campuses from contributions by supply-side, wealthy industrialists pales in comparison to the influence of left-wing, socialist professors.
hahahaha yeah right......lookit all those left-wing, socialist professors nationawide selflessly sacrificing themselves living underpaid, overworked and unappreciated just to hoodwink young and dumb citizens into voting Democrat. Narf.


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