英國保守黨活動家禁止進入香港 (圖、英)

British Conservative party activist barred from entering Hong
Kong (excerpt)

Benedict Rogers, deputy chair of the Conservative party抯
human rights commission, escorted on to flight out of former
British colony Benedict Rogers addressing a pro-democracy
protest outside the UK Foreign Office in August Benedict
Rogers, who has been barred from Hong Kong, addressing a pro-
democracy protest outside the UK foreign office in August.  
Photograph: Benedict Rogers   

Tom Phillips and Benjamin Haas in Hong Kong

Wednesday 11 October 2017 10.50 BST First published on
Wednesday 11 October 2017 07.39 BST - theguardian

A leading British human rights activist who has been a vocal
critic of China抯 erosion of Hong Kong抯 political freedoms
has been barred from entering the former colony on the eve of
a key political summit in Beijing.

Benedict Rogers, the deputy chair of the Conservatives?human
rights commission, flew into Hong Kong on Wednesday morning on
a Thai Airways flight from Bangkok but said he was stopped at
immigration and refused entry.   

揟hey gave me no explanation at all,?he told the Guardian by
phone as he prepared to fly back to Thailand on Wednesday

揑t is absolutely bizarre ?I feel shocked. I had received a
warning that this might happen so I was mentally prepared for
it but was hoping it wouldn抰 happen. I feel very shocked. I
feel it is yet another example of, if not the death, then the
death throes of 憃ne country, two systems??

Rogers lived in Hong Kong from 1997 to 2002, and said he had
been returning on a private visit to see friends, including a
number of prominent democracy activists. 揑 wanted to come and
meet people and learn about the current situation,?he said.

Rogers claimed he had been indirectly warned, through a third
party, that the Chinese embassy in London was 揺xtremely
concerned?about his plans to visit Hong Kong.  




他可以組織在英國打傘占街聲援香港的反政府活動 -山中農夫- 給 山中農夫 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/17/2017 postreply 11:09:36

以後對這種biao 子養的一律禁止入港 -winneriam- 給 winneriam 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/17/2017 postreply 12:30:46

嗬嗬,這丫的還裝得挺無辜的。 -yaowangshanhaiguan- 給 yaowangshanhaiguan 發送悄悄話 yaowangshanhaiguan 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/17/2017 postreply 16:09:15
